Almost there...
Thank you!
That's very interesting. Aluminum foam... And what is the material of the heater?
Do you know of any way to see the full disassembly? I'd like to see where the air is coming from, etc.
So far it looks like at the very least it goes through wires and (presumably) solder before going through aluminum foam and (presumably) a stainless steel heater, and finally glass/teflon/peek, before going out through a plastic mouthpiece .
The heater is a PTC heater, encased in a yellow foil, cannot remember the name...
One of these.

No solder that I know of in the air path. The top part of the heater heats up more then the lower section so the electronics are kept cooler.
The air inlet is in the middle of the bottom of the vape and has a screen, not sure what else in in there.
Maybe @stickstones could add a bit more detail as to the air path?
This may be interesting as well: