Damn me.. So I had a cart loaded up and the code was valid for the half off, went and added an accessory and the code was still applicable! Cool, it's all straightened out, I thought. Excitedly, I went and added a few more items and boom- code no longer valid just seconds later, fuck me runnin'

My own fault- self, you big dummy!
The 50MVOFFSALE16 and 50MVSALESFC16 are both no longer valid, they appeared to turn non-valid at the same time. MVWEEKENDSALE16 still gets 20% off entire order. Thank you for sharing with the class,
I guess I shouldn't be a sale hog, anyway, and I'm set personally with my first purchase so I'm still very grateful. After much rumination, clearly too much in hindsight, I had talked myself into giving a good friend the best Christmas gift EVER.. but alas, socks, it is

At least I can now quit unceasingly mulling it over
Edit: Scratch that, guys, game on! It let me checkout once I dumped all the accessories again! So sorry for any confusion, I know it let me add accessories at one point but then later would not. Christmas is back on for my friend, no lumps of coal