I want a MINI-VAP so bad!
Your very lucky!
Just one unit for everything?
Think of the space you will save?
SHATTER is so cheap in CAL so MOD CITY at the moment.
You must be very rich?
One day I will be CIVILIZED = One day
I am actually the very opposite of rich, but I find having the proper vape (and having several signatures) saves me more in the long run. We don't fully understand how, but only MMJ keeps me out of the Hospital, and each hospital visit is $300. That's with insurance. We dont understand, because it isnt the appetite that it is helping, but actually addressing issues that would usually cause my body to rapidly waste and drop weight at around 2-5 pounds per day, and it is not uncommon for me to lose 20 pounds in just 4 days once symptoms are full on and I have no way to stop it. This has gone on for roughly 15 years. This suddenly makes vaporizers a cheap option in helping to stay out of these $300 visits of extreme discomfort if swapping signatures keeps my body responding better, keeps my body from wasting, tremoring near as bad, and holds a slew of other symptoms at bay. Don't get me wrong, it is absolutely horrible on us all, financially, but far worse if I am constantly in the hospital. If I were stuck with a single strain for weeks, changing vaporizers is an absolute must, and changing the vape used suddenly helps with my symptoms more aggressively again if I change up between several signatures. Also, some medical herbs can taste horrible, but be very effective, and some vapes are more about flavor than others. In this scenario, a vape that masks most of the flavor is ideal. There are just so many variables, honestly.
Having different signatures has saved me many many hospital visits, and of course thousands upon thousands of dollars. So, ironically, spending loads on vaporizers saves me tons and tons. So, not a wink on the rich side, as investing in say a $200 Milaana (just for example) could somehow save me thousands in medical bills down the road. Essentially, a Vaporizer, for my situation (s) is nearly as important as the material going in them, which is of course a bit of a stretch, but vape signatures are very important for my body to continue to respond properly. It's kind of like buying a bed. I think sleep is the most important thing, and so I feel like a bed is an investment, and for the most part I probably do go overboard and spare no expense, but it has been worth it to sleep comfortably every night since the day I got it (years ago), it feels the same as the day I got it, and my days are so much better all because of sleep.
How do you use the MV? Glass, water tool? Dry using the stock MV mouthpiece/flexi-tubes?
I have been using the dry glass mp from VXhale. The MV is very smooth to me, and medicating dry seems to do a lot better for me. I will also use a HydraHoneyComb and a glass piece that has around half the chamber size. This just allows me to guage vapor density, because I can just draw until the vapor looks dense in the large canister, and if I want smaller pulls of thick vapor I just use glass with a smaller can. That way I can get monster pulls or baby pulls, but I have been sticking with direct draw thru the dry piece. I use a fine screen to keep herb from getting thru, and I use an 18mm female to male as an extension, and to house a Volcano fine screen so absolutely no bits make it thru. I've tried direct loading into the chamber and both baskets sizes. They all work great