Since I suffered that bad "concentrated" taste by blurple on, and still present at blue, is there any temp configuration you would advise me? Like if I bought the unit from you? I will ask for going back to teflon core, and thanks for your tests. There is any heater setting I can ask to toggle?
I settled for years on what perhaps was a very cold teflon minivap and that spoiled me on flavor.
I hoped it was possible to trade some flavor in exchange for a lot more vapor, instead it seemed to me the exchange was for a lot of flavor less for an irrelevant increment in vapor since it tasted not as it should.
Many thanks.
Since I will reship to go back to teflon,
1)Should I add a decarb kit just to try it?
2)Being a flavor chaser should I add any request about a "lowered positioned" heater this time?
I'd love not to pull too much in the case I want to kill a bowl like my ancient heater minivap forced me to sometimes, that for sure.
Given the case, is it better to stay away from the decarb kit? (summoning
@stickstones ...again).