Hello everybody,
I am one of the new minivap users, too, but only because I needed a backup unit for my broken mighty and because of VAS of course (I have some other vaporizers already to survive without the mighty, like the crafty

Didn't want to get something inferior to the mighty (which happened anyway, I suggest) so I pulled the trigger for the tcmv 2014.
I am really not impressed by it (most of the times). I have to inhale hard and so much hot air to get some small clouds that I am coughing like crazy. Can't tell anyone who don't now about vaporizers that this is healthier than smoking. But I did not want to give up so early.
Sometimes it does work like a charm and I am wondering why I'm even talking about other vaporizers. Smooth, tasteful hits with big clouds from 5-7 seconds inhalation without coughing. So smooth I wouldn't believe if I couldn't see it.
Sometimes I get barely some clouds. I'm coughing most of the time, sometimes with clouds, sometimes without clouds.
I want to enjoy my f******g 519.-€ Tier 1 vape like you do all, but seriously, it is a PITA. Charging the basket and not getting big clouds can be very annoying if I have time pressure or haven't the mighty with me. It tends me to not use it at all. Only for demonstration for guests visiting me. Expensive entertainment for guests.
If it weren't so beautiful and expensive, I would smash it against the wall...
Out of 10 sessions:
3 sessions are amazing, 5 are ok but inferior to the mighty and 2 sessions are getting spend without giving real clouds at all.
I tried everything from small to no basket, flexicone, Teflon cone, whip style, no cap or cap with washer / shim / o-ring from mighty to increase air seal, slight pack, dense pack, coarse grind, fine grind, nothing is really satisfying. Next step is to remove the first of the sieves and charge directly to give less space of the load to the heater. The only big clouds I get are when starting directly on red, sometimes green. I think to remember getting some clouds on pink, too, when the unit was new, but I don't use pink or blue anymore.
Perhaps I should mention I'm hitting only dry with flexicone+ and 10cm silicone whip and the glass stem of the mflb.
I don't want to sound like a S&B fanboy or a minivap hater, but I am really disappointed. Is it possible that my unit is defective? I get this humming sound when the device is heating, I can hear it too loud, I think.
My throat is irritated after 2 or 3 big baskets. Never expected this with mighty or volcano.
I am open to any suggestions. Perhaps I should get a gcmv. As I read a 2-3 seconds draw is enough for big clouds.
Sometimes the front light stops blinking and goes black like the unit is frozen. No reaction to button press'.I have to disconnect the batterie to reset the Unit.
Often when turning the MV on, the front light goes solid for 1 minute or so before it starts blinking.
It doesn't get hot enough to finish the small bowl with pure kief. I have to finish the darkened kief in another vaporizer, looks like 2nd degree hash when out of the MV but fairly away from finished because I can get some more good hits.
Should I send it in for repair and hope for an updated gcmv?
Excuse my misspelling , I am a German user not native English speaking. If I wasn't clear or misunderstanding, excuse I am enjoying the mighty back from repair for several hours now!