Greetings! This being my first post on this forum I'd just like to say that I really like what you have got going here! Seems like one of the friendlier and more informative forums out there.
That being said, I have a question I hope to get an answer to, before getting an O-phos pen and this seems like the perfect thread to ask.
The thing is, I'm from Denmark and over here the wax/concentrates we get aren't named in the same way as you Americans seem to name it. We pretty much just go by price to know what we are buying. And oils/shatter/BHO's are really only something people who can afford to make it themselves seem to have.
So as you might imagine, I get very confused as to whether or not I would be able to actually use my local wax in a vape pen, and since vape pens haven't caught on over here, I can't get any local answers.
From what I've been able to gather, the term for it should be pressed, since it comes in nice little blocks. And I just can't find any answers as to whether or not it would liquefy the same way as full melt would.
I can say that the more expensive the product, the softer it gets when it gets in contact with heat (going from a solid block state to a little bit squishy just by having it in your pocket for awhile), I guess it's a sign of a purer product/the way it's made.
I also know that it does melt when you mix it with heated butter or other fats, but from my knowledge that might just be because of the fat itself.
I have pictures I can post of the wax in question so you can see if it looks like something you know that works, but I don't want to break any rules so I will only do so if requested.
It might seem a bit redundant to ask, but I just want to be 100% sure before I order it, because getting it shipped over here costs around the same as the device itself and then there's up to 25% import taxes + the price of getting it out of the post offices hands. Im not too keen on paying that much for something I won't be able to use.
Sorry for the long post for such a simple question, I'm really bad at keeping things brief.
Cheers and thanks in advance!