Millennials Share Their 'You Know You're a Vaper When...' Moments. Number 5 is Relatable AF!


New Member
Hey, Vape Nation!

We millennials have embraced vaping like we've embraced brunching, Netflix-bingeing, and tweeting existential dread - with complete passion and zero regrets. And as a part of this vibrant, vape-loving community, we've all had our 'aha!' moments when we realize just how deep we've dived into the vape life.

So today, let's indulge in a little collective humor and share our 'You Know You're a Vaper When...' moments. I'll get the ball rolling:

1. You know you're a vaper when your first response to stress is not yoga or meditation, but reaching out for your trusty vape pen.

2. You know you're a vaper when you've spent more time researching and debating vape flavors than you have for your career prospects.

3. You know you're a vaper when your apartment is filled with more vape accessories than actual furniture. Who needs a couch when you have a deluxe vape stand, amirite?

4. You know you're a vaper when you see a beautiful sunset and your first thought is, "That would make an epic backdrop for my vape cloud."

5. You know you're a vaper when you've mastered the art of vaping discreetly during a Zoom meeting. The skill level: Pro Vaper. The result: a strangely foggy video feed and an immensely amused millennial.

Now, it's your turn! Share your funny 'You Know You're a Vaper When...' moments in the comments. We're all in this together, laughing through the vape clouds and embracing the hilarity of our millennial vape culture.

May your clouds be thick, your batteries be full, and your Zoom backgrounds be ever misty!


Well-Known Member
When all your old ashtrays are full of AVB and have corks in the centre (to knock out your bowl)

When you can smell a smoker from 5 yards (and choose which queue to join by the aroma) and you can smell local growers from 15 yards away :) (I actually told one lad how much his grow wreaked ..... as I passed him in the supermarket)

Every tube you see is a potential Vapcap stem

Every glass adapter you see is a potential ball or butane vape

Every cup you see is a potential log vape


Well-Known Member
Hey, Vape Nation!

We millennials have embraced vaping like we've embraced brunching, Netflix-bingeing, and tweeting existential dread - with complete passion and zero regrets. And as a part of this vibrant, vape-loving community, we've all had our 'aha!' moments when we realize just how deep we've dived into the vape life.

So today, let's indulge in a little collective humor and share our 'You Know You're a Vaper When...' moments. I'll get the ball rolling:

1. You know you're a vaper when your first response to stress is not yoga or meditation, but reaching out for your trusty vape pen.

2. You know you're a vaper when you've spent more time researching and debating vape flavors than you have for your career prospects.

3. You know you're a vaper when your apartment is filled with more vape accessories than actual furniture. Who needs a couch when you have a deluxe vape stand, amirite?

4. You know you're a vaper when you see a beautiful sunset and your first thought is, "That would make an epic backdrop for my vape cloud."

5. You know you're a vaper when you've mastered the art of vaping discreetly during a Zoom meeting. The skill level: Pro Vaper. The result: a strangely foggy video feed and an immensely amused millennial.

Now, it's your turn! Share your funny 'You Know You're a Vaper When...' moments in the comments. We're all in this together, laughing through the vape clouds and embracing the hilarity of our millennial vape culture.

May your clouds be thick, your batteries be full, and your Zoom backgrounds be ever misty!

What was the ChatGPT prompt for this?
What was the ChatGPT prompt for this?

I dunno, but for fun, here is a ChatGPT generated response to the above prompt...

Certainly! Here are five additional suggestions for the "You Know You're a Vaper When..." moments:

  1. You know you're a vaper when you've developed the skill of stealthily vaping in public bathrooms, because sometimes you just can't wait until you find a designated vaping area.
  2. You know you're a vaper when you've accidentally tried to take a puff from a pen or a straw, mistaking it for your vape device. Oops!
  3. You know you're a vaper when you've caught yourself absentmindedly blowing vape clouds while watching a movie or reading a book, only to realize you've obscured the screen or filled the pages with vapor.
  4. You know you're a vaper when your friends turn to you for vape-related advice, as if you're the resident vape guru who holds the secrets to a perfect vaping experience.
  5. You know you're a vaper when your dreams occasionally feature gigantic vape mods and e-juice rivers, creating a surreal vaping wonderland you wish you could recreate in real life.
Keep sharing the laughter and camaraderie within the vape community! Happy vaping, and may your clouds be fluffy and your flavors be deliciously satisfying!


Well-Known Member
I dunno, but for fun, here is a ChatGPT generated response to the above prompt...

Certainly! Here are five additional suggestions for the "You Know You're a Vaper When..." moments:

  1. You know you're a vaper when you've developed the skill of stealthily vaping in public bathrooms, because sometimes you just can't wait until you find a designated vaping area.
  2. You know you're a vaper when you've accidentally tried to take a puff from a pen or a straw, mistaking it for your vape device. Oops!
  3. You know you're a vaper when you've caught yourself absentmindedly blowing vape clouds while watching a movie or reading a book, only to realize you've obscured the screen or filled the pages with vapor.
  4. You know you're a vaper when your friends turn to you for vape-related advice, as if you're the resident vape guru who holds the secrets to a perfect vaping experience.
  5. You know you're a vaper when your dreams occasionally feature gigantic vape mods and e-juice rivers, creating a surreal vaping wonderland you wish you could recreate in real life.
Keep sharing the laughter and camaraderie within the vape community! Happy vaping, and may your clouds be fluffy and your flavors be deliciously satisfying!

As a millenial vaper, I can say that honestly sounds more human than the first list!

Grass Yes

Staff member
Yeah… remember da rules when you see a barrage of new posts …..

“You must be an actively contributing member with at least 60 days membership, 50 posts, and 25 "likes" received to create a thread in the Classifieds.”
Members who make low-content posts for the sake of increasing their post count may lose the privilege of using the Classifieds section.
Although I have seen a couple of weird bots lately that obviously use generative AI in their posts. Who knows why.


Well-Known Member
I gotta say, I'm impressed with how good AI has gotten at writing garbage clickbait.
Well, you know, human garbage clickbait writers are AIbot's trainers and tutors; but does AIbot ever really learn or is it all just repackaging and sexy marketing?
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Active Member
Well, you know, human garbage clickbait writers are AIbot's trainers and tutors; but does AIbot ever really learn or is it all just repackaging and sexy marketing?
AI doesn't learn, at least not in the way we do

It may help to think of these generators kind of like word prediction when you type/text. Once you ask your question, the AI is merely writing what word it "thinks" would best go in front of the other, regardless of what is actually true or makes sense. That's why you hear of people who cheat with it on essays who fail, because it'll come up with sources that don't exist, as it can only say what 'sounds' right, not what is right

Edit: What would be cool is if a truth verification system was developed and built into programs like this. Though that would make it easier to cheat, and as a current uni student I'd like to not have my work compared to someone who didn't even write it themselves (I know I'm selfish lol). I also like AI as it is now; it's unreliable, so comes up with things that are as crazy as they are brillant
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