Mighty Vs Solo

which one do you think is better?

  • arizer solo

    Votes: 9 45.0%
  • mighty

    Votes: 11 55.0%

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Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
They are very different vapes. The Mighty is a much more powerful vaporizer. It comes down to personal preference. Some people like to cloud chase, some like to medicate fast. Some like to medicate efficiently.

Sure the Mighty is a more powerful vaporizer, but is it better? Define better.

I find that when I really want to medicate, I grab a low powered portable vape and settle in for a 30 minute session. If I want to cloud chase like a fool, I reach for my E-Nano. Does my E-Nano medicate, sure, but the cloud chasing capabilities prevent me from making the most efficient use of the herbs (I'm spoiled lol)

I won't provide any comments on the vapes themselves since I've never used either


Better at what?

I agree with @Ratchett , the mighty is much more powerful, thus offers less resistance so you can get through a session quicker.

So if time is of the essence, the mighty would be "better". If efficiency is the key, I'd wager the solo holds it's own due to a smaller bowl, toss in the cost difference and it's a wash.


Well-Known Member
This is a comparison I'm very interested in myself, as I've narrowed down my top contenders to these two units. I want a semi-portable cordless vape that I can use as my daily driver. Basically a "do everything" vape that I will use all the time.

I've been leaning towards the Mighty but cost is putting me off. On the other hand, with all the accessories like stems and water pipes that seem to be essential for the Solo, I'm not sure the cost difference is all that pronounced after all.

Anybody own both of these? Please chime in!


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
I replaced my Solo with a Crafty.

Haven't yearned for my Solo once. It was a good all rounder but the effects and design of my Crafty do it for me.
What about maintenance. Have you have any issues with the cleaning or care of your Crafty over your Solo (or other vapes for that matter).

I prefer low maintenance vapes like my Indica which required zero cleaning (except I would take the mouthpiece off once a month and drop it in ISO, that's it no vapor path or oven cleaning), and my Nano (never need to clean the vape, just drop the glass bits in ISO and swap screens as necessary)


accessories like stems and water pipes that seem to be essential for the Solo

I use my Solo dry 95% of the time. The mighty needs a custom WPA to use with water too and I only know of one place to get them, :)

If it would be my daily driver I'd go with the Mighty. But as you mention, for the price you could snag a Solo + e-nano + D-020-D. It's always a good idea to have a backup just in case one fails. And dealing with batteries, there is always a chance of failure. Tough choice indeed.


I used to do drugs. I still do, but I used to, too
What about maintenance. Have you have any issues with the cleaning or care of your Crafty over your Solo (or other vapes for that matter).

I prefer low maintenance vapes like my Indica which required zero cleaning (except I would take the mouthpiece off once a month and drop it in ISO, that's it no vapor path or oven cleaning), and my Nano (never need to clean the vape, just drop the glass bits in ISO and swap screens as necessary)
Crafty only slightly more time consuming to clean.

Iso wipe once a week. And clean the cooling chamber maybe once a month.

Takes 20 minutes and its like new.


Well-Known Member
I prefer the Mighty for sure. Better flavor, better vapor density, WAY less draw resistance, and more versatile bowl size. It also works with small loads, or loads roughly twice as large as the solo stem depending on the situation. But the price difference is quite huge, so weight that heavily as well.


Oh No! Mr macbill!!
Staff member
You could buy 2 Solos for the price of 1 Mighty, and still have cash to buy water tools and spare wands. I don't chase clouds.

I have them, and I use them all. For example, I'm using the Air now. I'll use the Mighty later, then the EVO, and maybe a Solo here and there. I'm not sorry I've bought them all: I have VAS: Vaporizer Acquisition Syndrome, a mildly amusing affliction that wastes your pocketbook.


Plus I love glass for reclaim.

I never though of that. I also :luv: reclaiming dirty glass and then watching it get all dirty again. It's faster than waiting on keif to build up, :nod:.

Also something to consider is the Solo has been around for years and has been revised a few times. The Mighty is pretty new to the market (but it's made by an outstanding company), as such it is experiencing a few speed pumps, I'd rather not be another beta user, lol.


Out to lunch
ive never tried a mighty but i heard its probably the best portable vape out there.
It's not the best for me, and I have no interest in it. You shouldn't rate vapes by price or the fact that it comes from the best known vape maker.
which one do you think is better?
Better in what respect? As big as it is, the Mighty is a better carry around vape. The Solo isn't a pocket vape, so in the stealth dept. it's way down the list. If you just use it as a vape without the card and AC outlet, many would likely prefer it over the Mighty.

If you're interested in buying a portable, you should state how you intend to use it. If you're just curious, there is no real answer as to which is better unless you qualify the question with some kind of parameters.


Well-Known Member
Does anyone have a mighty or a solo and regret their choice?

I never used a solo, but I have had a chance to compare my mighty to a air. And I wouldn't switch for two airs. Although I did not dislike the air, it just was not showing clouds, like the mighty does. I took it as a more personal vape.

The companies are different as well. S&B over builds everything like vaping tanks, and the prices reflect that. Arizer is more like a good value, middle of the road company, offering good products, at decent prices.
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Singer of songs and a vapor connoisseur
Stems and water pipes aren't essential for the Solo. That just gives you options. All you need is the Solo and a stock stem.

You need more than one vaporizers. Sometimes something happens to your daily driver, you need back up. You don't want to fall back into the smoking routine.

It comes down to personal preference sometimes. Nobody needs to spend $450-500 on a portable to get medicated.
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