The MFLB was the first vaporizer I've ever owned, and I've been using nightly it for 9 months. The only other vaporizer I've used (briefly) is the silver surfer. I'm looking for an "upgrade" something that doesn't require constant trench flipping and something that will hit harder. By hitting harder I mean that it will take less hits to get high. It takes about 2 mflb trenches to get me where I want to be, and it just ends up taking too long to do so. The only thing keeping me from hitting it "faster" is my throat getting irritated, (not from misuse or overheating, just me). Another thing that bothers me is that it requires a refined technique to get good results, not very convenient when I'm with friends. So, portability isn't a big issue, just looking for something that hits hard, easy to use, not a whole lot of maintenance, oh and i forgot, I would like to conserve as much weed as possible! I've been searching this forum/the internet for quite awhile, and can't seem to find a solid answer. Everyone recommends different products, some say a certain product is the best at something while others say it sucks. I would like to keep it under $200 as well. Thanks for any advice!