Medicating in the workplace


Well-Known Member
Sup FC. Here's my scenario. I have a decent paying summer job landscaping that I'm doing for the second year in a row now. It's mindless manual labour and I used to be really good at just turning my brain off and letting the day fly by, but this summer it's become inexplicably almost unbearable to weed gardens and prune bushes all day.

Last summer a co-worker and myself flirted with the idea of showing up to work a bit buzzed, but discarded the idea because we didn't want the boss to catch on and get pissed. Plus even if we wanted to the Iolite isn't super stealth when you're trying to hide it from people that you know what with the size and sound.

So here I am now, the co-worker is gone, I'm bored as hell at work and my new LB is in the mail. I'm seriously starting to consider it again. A hit every hour or so might be just the thing to take the edge off. Anybody have experience with this sort of thing? If you were me, would you do it?


Chant Down Babylon
Seriously? You are asking a self described bunch of vaporists if it would be ok for you to take a couple puffs to weed, mow and basic landscape.
You don't need permission.


Well-Known Member
I guess I'm treading softly because I've never been the active-stoned type. I don't generally like to do shit. I also don't generally like getting "a little high." I get f**ked up. Obviously that's out of the question here. Just looking to hear how some people going about being vaked at work.


Chant Down Babylon
Keep it real, know where your headspace is and what you can handle. If it's too much for you to either be at the level to complete you work efficiently and responsibly or if you cannot handle titrating your dose appropriately you may want to check in with yourself or seek professional help as addiction is a serious matter.
I mean no harm, only trying to give my opinion. These boards have a variety of ages involved and I assume you are young or just inexperienced so I am trying to shed light on a possible issue for you to consider.
Good luck.
Some jobs I can some jobs I can't. It's up to you to decide where you like your head space and when.


Well-Known Member
Irie said:
Keep it real, know where your headspace is and what you can handle. If it's too much for you to either be at the level to complete you work efficiently and responsibly or if you cannot handle titrating your dose appropriately you may want to check in with yourself or seek professional help as addiction is a serious matter.
I mean no harm, only trying to give my opinion. These boards have a variety of ages involved and I assume you are young or just inexperienced so I am trying to shed light on a possible issue for you to consider.
Good luck.
Some jobs I can some jobs I can't. It's up to you to decide where you like your head space and when.

The last line was more what I was looking for. I only use maybe 3 times a week so no worries, it's not an addiction thing. I get blasted because that's how I enjoy it. I'm "inexperienced" only in that I'm not the kind of person who likes to operate/be awake when I'm high. I've never been one of those people so I'm looking to hear from those who are.

Maybe my questions would have been better phrased as: Do you have a boring-ass, manual labour job? Do you toke a little when you're doing it?


Chant Down Babylon
nr-cole said:
Maybe my questions would have been better phrased as: Do you have a boring-ass, manual labour job? Do you toke a little when you're doing it?
have and have. Don't and don't (most of the time that is....). If I did I would when I felt like it.
A valuable insight...there are many different levels of being "polarized". Lol.


Staff member
I generally do not vaporize at work. However when I go in voluntarily on Saturdays to get some extra shit done, I usually will treat myself and vape some in my office. Since I'm the only one there, it's not a problem and helps me get my shit done without being pissed off that I'm working on a Saturday.

I only vape sativias there, so I get a good yet funcional high. Leave the kush at home for later on. :cool:
dont vaporize during work. to fresh start out the day before work is okay, but if you want a real treat just wait till after work in the evening to get high :2c

its pretty :o


Waiting for winter
I do a fair amount of work from home, so needless to say, I vape while on the job. A few months ago I was actually at my office location and I knew I was in for a long night of work. Once everyone was gone for the day, I went into the warehouse and fired up my Iolite. A few days later, I found out that security put some new camera's in there. :uhoh: I said never in the workplace again.

If I'm going to have to be in the office, I take "the long way" and vape on the way in, and maybe a bowl at lunch.


Active Member
Great point about the sativas Stu. Find yourself the right one and it will get you nice and "motivated". Definitely don't use too much though. Ordinary tasks can become very confusing.


Cloud Master
I don't vape at work, but I often scorch a LB trench during my lunch break along with my girlfriend. That's what lAunch box is for! :brow:
It makes my afternoon go smoothly, I started doing it more often since I converted to vape, when I used to hit my roor with my lighter I was constantly afraid that someone would smell it upon my return in office, since I didn't even smoke cigarettes smoke is way more detectable, now it's like heaven! "you can smell as much as you want dude, I'm fuckin clean!"


Well-Known Member
Just like the older folks up in here, be very cautious...I'd definitely go low doses just to get a feel for it, being that you got stealth vape is also a plus. I use to work the night shift at the YMCA, it was really chill. Plus I was what ya call a free spirit rebellious can't stop won't stop young whipper snaper back in the days. Definitely the type that was seen as a saint by admistration and co-workers. Plus there were a handful of stoners around other departments. I was a mad toker back then combusting blunts and rolling papers was all I knew back then. Vaporizing seemed to be for the upper class tokers, back then the analog volcanos were so new back then. But, anyways I use to toke in parking lot. Blowing was the worst cause the stench would stick to your fingers and cloths. I always had spray, hand sanatizers, a jacket to zip up and remove before entering the building. I'd get lifeguards and trainers too took, that were known stoners. I always kept my business on the under. Those were the days, I was front desk mind you. So I'd be the first to greet you! Man did I have a mouth piece. Trenches and low doses were unheard of back then, so a low dose would be a spliff that I would share with a lucky coworker. I was the man in that mug, plus I was the go to guy and even plug for some. I didn't mind sharing because it was amazing being lifted at the work place and chopping it up with milfs and female customers all day.
I was an early adopter of medical marijuana, I got a condition in my lower extremities were I'm been bound by crutches half of my life. You can see were empathy plays a huge favor on my side.
Advice I say is go for it, you got MFLB. So stealth is mos def on your side and tossing abv would be a breeze in your summer job. Vaping don't cling to your cloths like smoke does, so you should be good on smell, plus your doing manuel labor so sweating it out is also a plus.
Man, the YMCA was an awesome job. I gots stories for days(my poker face was on point back then that I dropped E before work on a day shift, long story short forgot I was set on the schedule (did a trade) and made the big mistake of answering my phone when they called to find out where I was), combusting in pow wows and that good conversation was all I was about in my rebellious, and young and GO DUMB days.
There might be some judgmental members on here, To them I say I ain't dumb or stoopid. I just GO DUMB and steewy. San Francisco born and raised native, what do expect. My daddy was a rolling stone. No I'm no degenerate, graduated from USF and working on my masters so nuff said...Duces


ive done that kind of work for many years, i can see a small sativa hit being actually useful but like biojuggernaut id rather wait for the evening so that my night tokes go real high easily instead of having to piggy back the day time hits. initially its good but over

i think with a schedule of hitting it at work and then getting blazed at night you will begin that cycle of building up a tolerance. it started to happen to me slightly and i immediately hated it and quit wake up hits, to me its worth it. id get some good tunes to listen to or find another way to break up the boredom at work.

best of luck to ya!


yeah man it's up to you, try it out and see how it goes. the lb opens up a lot of possibilities! I would say with the lb you will have the stealth to pull it off.


Out to lunch
People are different, and what works for one won't work for another. I found, many years ago, that getting a buzz early in the day sapped my energy to some extent and made the day longer. It also compromised my nightly high, so my consumption increased while my overall enjoyment decreased.

If you decide to relieve your bordom, the LB can be great for micro hits. I'd first try a hit so small you won't feel it or see any vapor on exhale. Then just wait and see if you get a slight lift from it. I have tried the occasional late afternoon LB micro hit, just to take the edge off a stresful day, and it works very well. You can experiment and see if it suits you. It may well relieve the bordom for you. Be careful though, since the LB can also pack a punch, as well as deliver very small hits.


Unconscious Objector
After swearing I'd never be high at work, well I just broke that self imposed 'barrier'. I left work as per usual at 4:20 today (really), got home at 4:45ish, played with the dogs, waited until an alarm company came by for an assessment, and then hit up some Sour Diesel.

And then came back to work because I promised 3 people I'd turn off an analytical instrument. I knew no one was going to be here (and there's maybe 1 or 2 people from other labs) and I'd have the lab to myself while the instrument shuts down (takes about an hour or so). Pretty much the building is deserted because it's a long weekend in Canada (I have no idea why). So here I am as high as a proverbial kite at work, but not working.

However with people around and me having to work like this? No frigging way. Opens up way too much liability :)



Lost in Thought
For me, its one of those things that I know I can do without issue.

I however like to make myself wait until the end of the day when I know that there is mindlessness to be had. Have I gone to work vaked out of my head? Sure... But its not a regular thing, and personally I like to be able to enjoy it fully without anything else to be responsible for.


Unconscious Objector
Well, after waiting around an hour or so and getting very bored (playing video games on my work comp which is allowed), I started looking up animals in the local humane society online. I wasn't looking, but found a great cat that matched what I wanted, so I drove across town, still high as a kite and adopted the cat. :)

So yeah, when I go into work high, I do stupid things :)



Unconscious Objector
aesthyrian said:
Adopting a cat sounds like a pretty cool and smart thing to me! :cool:

Oh, I only meant stupid in that I hadn't thought how to 'cat proof' my house. In spite of the fact that I lived with 3 cats as recently as April this year I just went blindly about this :) Thats what I meant by stupidity (as in I've just provided a fresh source of snacks for the 2 dogs and already losing 3 window blind cords because I didn't tie them up and hide them).

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