Massdrop is violating no regulations, or agreements. It's the distributors, and the manufacturers that continue to sell to them after violating their agreements that are to blame for the grey market issue.
I did state "in violation of DISTRIBUTOR agreements", but that could be easy to overlook, so thanks for making this more clear.

[But I don't think it is *manufactures* that sell in violation of their own agreements, as that would then be an authorized sale. And some *indeed do* legit business with MD (or authorize their distributor to). And in those cases -- to be perfectly clear -- I have no issue with those drops, outside of doing business with a questionable company. So it is really the distributors, or really one specific one that does this.]
But that doesn't change the fact that:
- MD knows they are grey marketing;
- They play dumb about the issue until caught;
- They take the "it is easier to ask for forgiveness than permission" approach when they can't do legit product acquisition, putting their customers at risk;
- They are deceptive about the warrantee, implying it is the original manufacturer's (the previous drops had mention of a full warrantee on the page, but the current one doesn't have one so that shows they are aware that it is a problem and can't play dumb);
- When caught they claim it is a MD warrantee, which should be suspect as they shouldn't have access to ANY units, so fi they do get locked out, there is no source for replacements, so that's also a misleading statement as they can't guarantee. Again with potentially screwing their customers over.
- They try to blame the manufacture, when they know fully what they are doing.
I don't think there is anyone that can see that as anything other than really slimy.
SIDENOTE: The reason there are agreements in place is, in part, to protect everybody in the supply chain. When MD grey-markets their units, they are actually screwing over everybody else selling them. Think of the Local Head Shops, as one example, that now won't carry a unit because it is being undersold by MD and they can't pay their employees or light bills on razor-thin margins. So they don't carry it, and like it or not, not every body (like us) is comfortable with anything MJ related online. That's a chunk of the buying population that will thus have no access to this vape. Or even the person that just wants to see one in person before buying, that now won't buy from the LHS as they are comfortable buying online, but don't mind wasting LHS's time.
I know (most) everyone's inclination is just to think about themselves first ("I need to get this cheap!") and doesn't want to think beyond the moment nor the big picture, but in reality, there is a whole eco-system in place here that makes a living off of vaping. If you remove the ability to make a living, there is no incentive to make the product available to the public, and thus no incentive to innovate in the vape world.
[I know there is also the whole "making a living is dirty" (ie, money is dirty) that thinks they should be given everything for either free or close to free, that's gonna say profit is bad and MD is a champion of the people, but I really hope none of those short-sighted people are here at FC. Honestly that's just thinking about their own gain, which is what they criticize in others. Bloody Hypocrites.]
So, add to the list above:
7. They screw the whole vaping world over for their own short term gain.
If a distributor is selling to massdrop in violation of their agreements with the manufacturer, then they should be cut off and not allowed to distribute products for that manufacturer anymore. Simple
I know on the outside (and from the surface) it seems like it is that simple, as that's what I used to think myself.

In reality, what is simple is armchair-quarterbacking, which -- by its very nature -- is acting from a place of limited information. There is more complexity here, but honestly none of us should be expected to know. Just suffice it to say that things that seem simple on the outside usually have more going on than we suspect.