Marijuana Standard - So different from area-to-area


Well-Known Member
Hey all... I'm in the Central Florida area, near Orlando. Wanted to know what the general stadards for your weed is area to area, state to state. For instance, Cali bud & prices are going to be SO much better than just about anywhere in the USA (obvious). In Florida, there is Cali-type stuff that passes through but it's not as common. Mids are probably sometimes mistaken for high grade buds in Florida. Here's the deal (at least my opinion ):

Florida regs have 2 categories: dirt mexican (full of seeds & stems) [PIC 1] or fluffier-type which look more like low grade mids but still has some seeds/stems just not nearly as much as the dirt. Prices: dirt $50-$60 oz (pic below); fluffier $80 per oz on average (although I've paid the same as dirt for this)

Lower mids are like I described above. The higher mids look either more like brighter green krip-type stuff or fluffier buds with a good amount of red hairs and lots of crystals [PIC 2]. Sometimes these are mistakened for high grade (I've done it!). Prices: lower mids $60 1/2 oz, $100 oz; higher mids $50-$60 1/8 oz, $90-$100 1/4 oz (pic below)

High Grade in FL you have to know someone and have a good connect. I got this "named" strain [PIC 3] which at first I thought was high mids but after examining them under a scope I saw the wide world of trichs! [PIC 4] Big difference between the high mids and HIGH grade. But again, for me, it's so hard to find TRUE high grade weed around the central part of Florida Prices: I've only bought it a couple of times but it usualy runs around $65+ 1/8 oz, $120 1/4 oz (I got it for $100 but I knew the guy, usualy sells for $120, pic below)

How are things in your city or area??? Post in here!

modnote: please use thumbnail images; huge photos make the thread load slowly.


Reindeer, reindeer, reindeer
You are right about Cali. This is some GDP, pretty easy to find everywhere. 85/q, 300/oz.

Haven't seen schwag since I was a teenager. The market is HUGE right now with all the dispensaries, etc. and that means attainable quality for all, it seems. Extracts, hash and edibles are common too, whereas you wouldn't see them at all 10 years ago unless someone made them at home.



Well-Known Member
well atleast you guys get to choose what you want to smoke... here its mids for 60 an 8 or high grade for 60 an 8 it all depends on who you get it from. even shwag is 60 a quarter... any way you look at it your spending 60 for a bag.


Well-Known Member
Frickr said:
well atleast you guys get to choose what you want to smoke... here its mids for 60 an 8 or high grade for 60 an 8 it all depends on who you get it from. even shwag is 60 a quarter... any way you look at it your spending 60 for a bag.
Damn, I thought it was bad in Florida... At least we get the crap regs pretty cheap. I used to purchase only regs but over the past 1.5 years I've upgraded and kept up with as close to high grade bud as I possible can get. Less smoke, better taste and of course the high is not only a lot different but a lot better :) Once I get my DBV I'll probably be a full-time vaporizer which means NO SMOKE.

I wonder how much of the high mids it will take to get be blitzed with the vape... Usually only 1 small bowl of the high mids hits me real good when I smoke with my glass pipe or glass bong/ice chamber (no water). So vaping not only will be healthier but it should be less smellier, cleaner and get me at least AS high (hoping for higher) with the same amount of weed. We shall see :)

Acolyte of Zinglon

vaporizers are usually much more forgiving about the quality of the herb you put in than smoke, because none of the actives are lost to pyrolization
Acolyte of Zinglon,


Well-Known Member

Here it is $90 a 1/4 or $300 an OZ. It is always seedless, hydro and the quality varies. No strain infos or anything can be provided, whatever he has this week he is selling. I'm fairly certain that most of it would be mid to mid-high stuffs.


Well-Known Member
north dakota sucks for prices though... i would give anything to get the prices you guys are getting. let alone some of the buds you guys post pictures of on here, they just look tastey. i wish you could smell things over the net.

if only it were legalized, or atleast decriminalized...
Come vist the UK!!
We have a massive market for herb but we get riped off by 99% of dealers.
We dont have grades of weed like you do, if i go buy an oz it will be a mixed bag. we pay between 120 and 160 on the oz.

our problem right now is half of what is on the streets has been messed with. we are getting weed sprayed with sand, glass, sugar or most often water and our hash is coming with bits of plastic in and disolves in warm water.......
The weights of everything are under these days, no one sells a 8th any more they sell 20 bags, i have seen these 20 bags be as low as 1.8gs and still be wet!

and today the uk raised canabis from a class C drug to a class B drug. meaning you can now get 5 years inside for posession! the real pisser is the PM hired an independant group to assess the damage weed does to the uk and they sugested it should be left at class C. that wasnt going to win the PM any votes though was it!

Our government needs a cash injection, legalise prostitution and weed I say. The police will never win a war against these two vices so you might as well make off of em!!!!

**sorry, i have sliped into a little bit of a rant there* :ko:


Well-Known Member
wow i need move to cali, KeepCalm that shit look good. I live in maine an most low grade mean price in 160 oz u can get mit for 15 8th to 25 an 8th and on campus it can dealers try to get 35-40 an 8th but fuck that, and for high mid cost about 50-60 8th. when i finish college i am moving to cali its warmer than maine and there is better weed there (what does weed cost in the despenaries) 1 good thing about living in maine it i have never come accross really really really bad week for the most part it pretty good shit.


Well-Known Member
I have lived in... Ohio, Oklahoma, Florida, Mississippi, Texas, New Mexico, Idaho and Southern Oregon. Best weed to be bought has come from Southern Oregon/ Northern Cali... But I've also been ripped off by 'Florida' quality weed here in Oregon, seedless, but four times the price of the same high in Florida. Seedless doesn't always mean quality, 'deer weed'.

Hash that melt in water? no thanks... I have read of your difficulties in the UK. Farking PMs and Presidents. Sorry, but we all know who's pitching and who is catching...

Back to topic. In the early days it was all imported and we had a choice, $20oz. Mex or $30 Columbo (various SA imports till cocaine took over). Modern times Ohio had 'good' and 'schwag', the good came from Kentucky till they started to tighten up, then you started seeing Mex brick passed as KY weed. Same old dope rip off. Greedy bstrds, nothing ever changes, it's the nature of humans. Like crabs in a bucket.

Tulsa had awful weed. All mexican but, the lowest grade.

Texas can be a goldmine if you know the right folks. Not all bricks are crap. Some are actuaklly pretty good. Hey some farmers are probably smokers too... And the pruce can't be beat.

Same for New Mexico.

Idaho was a mix of schwag and some local hydro that was really well done and sold for a respectable price.

Overall worst: Oklahoma then Florida

Overall best: So Oregon / No Cali

EDIT: forgot Ol' Miss... Believe it or not they had some pretty decent stuff, compared to Florida right around the corner.


Well-Known Member
Purple-Days said:
I have lived in... Ohio, Oklahoma, Florida, Mississippi, Texas, New Mexico, Idaho and Southern Oregon. Best weed to be bought has come from Southern Oregon/ Northern Cali... But I've also been ripped off by 'Florida' quality weed here in Oregon, seedless, but four times the price of the same high in Florida. Seedless doesn't always mean quality, 'deer weed'.

Hash that melt in water? no thanks... I have read of your difficulties in the UK. Farking PMs and Presidents. Sorry, but we all know who's pitching and who is catching...

Back to topic. In the early days it was all imported and we had a choice, $20oz. Mex or $30 Columbo (various SA imports till cocaine took over). Modern times Ohio had 'good' and 'schwag', the good came from Kentucky till they started to tighten up, then you started seeing Mex brick passed as KY weed. Same old dope rip off. Greedy bstrds, nothing ever changes, it's the nature of humans. Like crabs in a bucket.

Tulsa had awful weed. All mexican but, the lowest grade.

Texas can be a goldmine if you know the right folks. Not all bricks are crap. Some are actuaklly pretty good. Hey some farmers are probably smokers too... And the pruce can't be beat.

Same for New Mexico.

Idaho was a mix of schwag and some local hydro that was really well done and sold for a respectable price.

Overall worst: Oklahoma then Florida

Overall best: So Oregon / No Cali

EDIT: forgot Ol' Miss... Believe it or not they had some pretty decent stuff, compared to Florida right around the corner.
This sucks since I live in Florida... Oh well, I guess I can be happy that I get weed that still fucks me up on 1 small bowl for decent prices for the area :/ I wish the rest of the USA was like Cali... hopefully one day it will be!
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