Great find.
The solution to SOME of Afghani's economical woes is obvious. Legalize MJ worldwide. Take the goddamn drug lords out of the business. Let the governments control distribution. I know. Governments are almost just as corrupt as the drug lords, but at least these poor farmers should get a bigger cut of the pie. Let it be a legal national crop and source of income. We should support their efforts. We should actually incentivize them to grow MJ rather than poppies. Encourage them to do so by not only monetary incentives, but support them with up to date agricultural knowledge and products. If there is any way to help take this country out of the dark ages other than education, it would be to increase their economy. Let Afghanistan be the MJ capital of the world. Their efforts should be supported, applauded and encouraged. Give them pride in what they have been doing for centuries and pat them on the back for doing it well.
And that CNN reporter. LOL. Pointing to the crop in the truck, "And this is hashish". I just shook my head and thought, "Not yet it's not".