Good shout
@psychonaut . Also very very worth considering- SALT! There is a very strong direct link between depression and anxiety and INSUFFICIENT salt intake.
We have been pumped full of misinfornation about salt. We need a lot more salt than 6 grams a day. 8 to 10 grams minimum.
But crucially- we need the right type of salt. Unrefined. Refined table salt is POISON to the body. It wil unquestionably directly contributes to depression by causing havoc in the body instead of providing it with the most vital essential substance next to water, in the whole, natural, energetic form it is provided by nature designed to fit our bodies like a key.
So the majority of people do not get any natural unrefined salts at all and have no comprehension of the difference between that and the white poison in the kitchen cupboards which bring their children up in the majority of cases.
And then there is the- A"SALT" of the alien poison.
Now it is such a vital requirement for good health to supply the body with sufficient quantity of healthy salt. I have come across much material linking inadequate salt intake to depression and anxiety as well as many other conditions and aspects of health.
Anybody who shows any interest in improving their diet and lifestyle with simple approaches that pay off hugely practically the first things I try and emphasize are to remove from the diet than man-made, refined artificial fats and salts which are so health damaging and to replace them with the natural unrefined forms.
This should be taught in school and on the news. Such important basics when it comes to health. I try to enlighten on this and I sorely hope somebody here may benefit if they look into this.
If you are interested I made some posts elsewhere sharing my experience at finding the best quality salt for my body after having various types and brands tested over the years.
Redmond real salt is my top recommendation. For more info:
Happy Saturday everyone. Positive vibes to all those battling depression hope you have a nice and relaxed weekend.