Manufacturers and online retailers: have you thought of accepting Bitcoin?


Selling stuff online is messy enough, with the difficulties with credit cards, Paypal and other traditional methods. But it seems to me that Bitcoin would be a very attractive option for online vape sales in particular. Indeed, Canadian retailer Vapetropolis is already accepting Bitcoin as a payment option.

Lower costs, no delays or other problems with the transfer of funds, no rules and regulations, no risk of fraud, and you can accept payment from anywhere in the world. And the customer doesn't have to worry about credit cards statements and such, in case they wish to conceal their purchase from others around them. After all, Bitcoin first gained prominence as a method for paying for truly prohibited products - in particular, for drugs, including cannabis, on Silk Road. And for this reason, as well as the fact that current vaporists and Bitcoin users tend to be early adopters by nature, there should be a significant market of people ready to buy vapes with Bitcoin.

Of course, the exchange rate is highly volatile, so holding Bitcoin is extremely risky. But this risk can be avoided with the emergence of services like Bitpay, which, for a small fee (smaller than for other methods), takes Bitcoin payments and converts them immediately to traditional currency.

Here's a good thread on Reddit about the experiences of both customers and businesses using Bitcoin for online payments.
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Technical Skeptical
Seems like a reasonable direction to go now that companies that have gotten overinflated like paypal/ebay are starting to change their policies in ways that would make their customers inclined to leave.


Technical Skeptical
How unfortunate.

I hope someone will step up and take their place, as the idea has so much potential.

C'mon Swiss net users, make it happen.

Well-Known Member
We've been accepting BitCoin for some time now - I never got around to putting up the payment buttons on the site, will try to get that done soon. Hit me up on email or PM if you want to pay BTC.,
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