Man Ray's 1927 bubble pipe


Anyone who knows anything about art knows the famous surrealist Man Ray. This pipe with a glass bubble was made in 1927 and is called 'What We All Lack'. He supposedly made an edition of 20. Reminds me of the DIY light bulb vapes. I think the glass bubble was supposed to look like a large soap bubble. He made a short film where he blows smoke into a large bubble with a pipe until it pops (last image). I think the third image is not a glass bubble but a soap bubble. I know it looks like a vaporiser but it isn't. I know that Man Ray likely didn't intend his artwork to have a real functional purpose (just an imaginary one), and I know he likely didn't realise that he has had essentially created a device capable of vaporising herbs. But none the less the future was right under his nose in a 'surreal' way. Imagine vaping out of this. If it worked it would be the most expensive vape in the world. It would also be the coolest (cool as in hip and down with the kids) vape in the world as even after all these years Man Ray is one cool dude. I know this isn't exactly a vaporiser but I thought some of you would find this pleasing if only on an aesthetic level.




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