making oil/butter

I have been reading a lot about extracting THC from cannabis into oil, butter, or alcohol. I am curious about something though. Think I see refer to THC oil...and I know there is THC in cannabis...obviously. but there's also cbd and cbn or whatever that other one is called. so does making an extract get the cbd and all cannabinoids out too?

I sw something about cbd oil, that is what made me start wondering...because i kept seeing the oil refered to as thc oil, so when i saw cbd oil i got to wondering if they were different.
i am wanting to make me some though...i feel like i need to be ingesting this stuff. i heard ingesting it gives you more of a bodily effet instead of a mind effect. any truth to that?

o i wanna make some magic food but don't want to stink my house up. is it just making the butter/oil that stinks the most, or does it also stink up the place when you cook with that stuff in the brownies etc?


Well-Known Member
Yes, eating medicated edibles can readily provide much more of the healing properties of cannabis, compared to smoking or even vaporizing...

the smell of brownies cooking would overpower the smelll of the herb butter/oil inside of it.

cannabis contains not only THC, as you know, but also CBD and many other cannabinoids, which will get into tinctures, butters/oils, etc.

If you want MAINLY CBD, then use ABV to cook instead of fresh bud :)


Vaporizer Superstore
I've found that the smell is contained around where the cooking is taking place for the most part... I use a crock pot to make my cannabutter and you pretty much have to be standing right over it to get a fierce whiff of cannabis. It obviously does permeate the room some, but not like exhaling a cloud of smoke does.

Prior to producing the butter, I would try to find a strain near you that is high in CBD such as Harlequin.

And if you're in a location where having choice on you herb isn't necessarily an option, then Nycdeisel said it perfectly, use ABV to cook for a high CBD edible. Happy baking!
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