Making Cupcakes: butter or coconut oil?


Well-Known Member
Hello FC,

There are so many different sources out there when you try to search on which one is preferable to the other. I made cookies like 4 months ago, and I used coconut oil. I let about 11 grams of fresh bud simmer in a pan with coconut oil for about 4 hours, and the cookies came out pretty potent, but I have a friend that says using butter will increase the potency.

I'm not sure what to believe in that regard, I'm making edibles again this weekend, and it's going to be cupcakes this time. I don't plan on making butter or oil and having it sit in the fridge until the next day and separating water or anything like that. I just plan on letting the buds simmer in oil or butter for 3-4 hours and then baking the batch right after it's strained.

So I'd like to know if 1) this method is wise 2) is there a difference in potency between butter and coconut oil?
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