Dr. Soxhlet
SOLO Vaporized Cannabis is my Best Medicine
Every couple of weeks or so I hear about "shortages" at online vape suppliers and people are unable to find that elusive but vital gong for their Solo. Bet most of them don't even know they may already have in their possession the keys to their dilemma. I'm talking about that rather useless thing refered to in the Solo manual as an aroma therapy dish(more like a bowl). If you have a glass blower in your town, why not have him/her convert that bowl to a gong for the Solo. Mine cost only $20.00, works great and looks like this:
All it takes is to heat up the bowl and connector (14mm or 18mm) and melt them together. A hole must also be flame punched through the bowl. A screen is added in the herb chamber.
Any glass blower should be able to do this, maybe cheaper if you already have the connection.
And you may have an extra 18mm connection already too if you have an EQ or V Tower.
I know I do:
Yes, I believe that broken EQ elbow is 18mm. Guess what I'm going to do with it when I get another Solo Set? When you take your parts in, just make sure they are clean. I seldom throw anything out.
Sometimes it pays dividends. I know, I built a computer and video game business this way.
I find that a #113 "0" ring works bestwith this gong because the diameter was a little smaller than my other stems. I also put a couple more "o" rings on the outside to steady it.
My favorite way to use it is with the Pinnacle Water Tool with a brewers cork and inverted downstem:
Many of you may even have a torch and the requisite skills, by all means give it a try!!!
Happy Vapin'---Hope this helps someone.
All it takes is to heat up the bowl and connector (14mm or 18mm) and melt them together. A hole must also be flame punched through the bowl. A screen is added in the herb chamber.
Any glass blower should be able to do this, maybe cheaper if you already have the connection.
And you may have an extra 18mm connection already too if you have an EQ or V Tower.
I know I do:
Yes, I believe that broken EQ elbow is 18mm. Guess what I'm going to do with it when I get another Solo Set? When you take your parts in, just make sure they are clean. I seldom throw anything out.
Sometimes it pays dividends. I know, I built a computer and video game business this way.
I find that a #113 "0" ring works bestwith this gong because the diameter was a little smaller than my other stems. I also put a couple more "o" rings on the outside to steady it.
My favorite way to use it is with the Pinnacle Water Tool with a brewers cork and inverted downstem:
Many of you may even have a torch and the requisite skills, by all means give it a try!!!
Happy Vapin'---Hope this helps someone.