Is it perfect? No. I agree with Aristotle that perfection is an unattainable state towards which we can only strive (the allegory of the cave).
I have actually been thinking about some possible future trajectories for phyto-inhalation aromatherapy devices (in addition to the development of better hand-held/portable devices, compatible battery packs, and more oil-friendly units). One idea seeks to further concentrate the vapor inhaled (particularly for those seeking large/concise dosages). I have been toying with ideas for a unit that would heat up a small sealed chamber filled with herbs/oils to the desired vaporization temperature without allowing the water or oil vapors to be released. Once the desired temperature has been achieved, the contents of the chamber (concentrated/pressurized vapor) would be released into the larger cooling area or pathway simultaneously (rather than requiring the recipient to repeatedly draw/force hot air past the herbs/oils to vaporize them). I am not sure about the feasibility of such technology, but thought that this example would help justify my answer.
Ramble, ramble, ramble...