Mailing ABV?


Active Member
So let's say I want to give my ABV to a legal, card carrying friend. No money exchanges hands, I just give him the ABV. Simple and completely legal.

Now what if I wanted to mail the ABV to that same person, who is within the same state as I (California)?
My first thought that it would be illegal through USPS, since it's on the Federal level. But what if I used UPS or FedEx, for example?

I'm only asking because I seem to have built up a very strong tolerance, and edibles don't do much for me. I have to eat very much to feel anything other than a very slight raise in body temp. With that said, I feel that my ABV would be better off in the hands of someone that could really use the medication. First and foremost, though, I don't want to commit any felonies, :lol:


Combustion free since '09
I would be leery of mailing the ABV though I know people do mail stuff. I have mailed hard candy made from ABV though ;)


Active Member
Haha I'm glad to see it worked! The idea of mailing someone "spent" marijuana seems a little strange, but if my tolerance is good for anything, it's creating tons of ABV.


Combustion free since '09
lol... but I would hate to see someone get in trouble for mailing spent ABV. That would just suck!!


Active Member
Yea, definitely. I don't know anyone near me that cares for ABV, so I'm kind of just testing the waters.


Active Member
Leave it up to them. Make sure you leave no fingerprints on the package, don't put a return address, and drop it in a mailbox. If the recipient wants to take responsibility for any repercussions, it could certainly be done without putting yourself at risk. Keep in mind that all legality is purely in the eyes of the state. Mail is federal, and if your friend was caught accepting the package and charged, it will be 100% illegal. Medical use is not a valid argument in federal court, the prosecutor will just laugh at them :(


Lost in Thought
Cant say that I didnt hear a rumor that it takes a warrant to open a fed parcel.

It doesnt with the others.


Active Member
this is true. It's a lot harder to get busted when you mail it, in the sense that there are very specific laws protecting your mail. But keep in mind that something as simple as a detection dog indicating is enough to get a warrant by fax. Though you have more legal protections in the mail, it also falls under federal jurisdiction. I have a friend in federal court right now for a small amount he got caught with on forest service land, and he is getting straight up fucked compared to the slap on the wrist he would get in our state, and we live in a rather conservative state...

edit: Thinking about other companies, I would imagine they would be notifying either the DEA, or your state agencies for you to get busted say sending it fed-ex or UPS. DEA pretty much won't touch anything under 100 lbs/plants, they will refer it to local agencies, and as long as your legal in the state, I would imagine this would be pretty safe as long as you kept it to legal amounts... Might be a good thing to ask a lawyer though, maybe norml would have a lawyer approved answer for you :)

Abysmal Vapor

Supersniffer 2000 - robot fart detection device
U can mail whatever u like in the USA :) When i was there a friend received... 1.5kg damiana in an unopen sealed bag.. The way this space bag looks is all transperant.. Even i thought its pot.. If this was Bulgaria.. He would be first arrested and then the herb will be tested :D..
Abysmal Vapor,

Abysmal Vapor

Supersniffer 2000 - robot fart detection device
biojuggernaut said:
crazy i thought we state side had it rough
Me too .. but there are just too many people in USA :).. Its easier to hit the lottery than gettin busted for a small amount of oil in gift card..
AHahah It would be totally crazy if you dry the oil a bit :) u can actually put it between two cards with nice folio .. and he could easily scrape it off with razor blade :). .Why not even make some kind of stupid aplication of two cards.. and use oil as a glue :) .. I cant tell why i am advising you this.. Damn i am vaked..
Abysmal Vapor,


Active Member
Thanks for all the responses and stories/experiences! Either way, I still haven't found anyone that wants ABV yet, so we don't have to cross that bridge just yet.


Well-Known Member
Another option is to look into concentrates. Do a QWISO wash of your abv and let all the Isopropyll evaporate off. What you are left with, you can either vape, smoke, or cook with.


Active Member
Tuck said:
Another option is to look into concentrates. Do a QWISO wash of your abv and let all the Isopropyll evaporate off. What you are left with, you can either vape, smoke, or cook with.

Thank you, Tuck! Gonna look into that.


I personally would not do it. Too many unknowns and the risk is high. Even when you mail a vape back for repair you clean the thing so well; when you return a SSV you're instructed to remove the glass cover for a good reason. What I have done in the past is set up to have a bike messenger service bring over an ounce to my office, years ago. I worked for a company and my friend who was dealing worked at a different company and both companies always dealt with messengers so it was a routine phone call for a pickup/delivery. I'm sure this has no relevancy to what you want to do but I thought it's an entertaining little story just the same.
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