Madison Wisconsin, and The Attack On Labor In America Today


Naruto Fan
something just dawned on's been *said that that gal in arizona came up with the illegal aliens act to tip the balance from democrat to republican - maybe this whole thing against unions, for the Republican's isn't so much delivering a huge win to their constituents, but is all about debasing the labor union's power during elections, trying to create an environment where they can win more elections...?

EDIT: but i think it is both now: voter suppression & the elites

2nd edit: Wow, i like this article...throw some fire on it, hell yeah,

can i copy it here? i hope they don't's hot...I couldn't copy all of the links in the original, which adds a lot to it, seeing it's all cross referenced to current articles from reputable sources i think

it's on a site called "Under the Mountain Bunker & Coffee Shop," sub-text: "Come for the Apocalypse, stay for the coffee!"

Elites vs. unions: mapping the demise of the American middle-classPosted on February 21, 2011

Josh Marshall created a map of collective bargaining rights by state:


Dennis G. at Balloon Juice offers a map of Right to Work States (in red) and Right to Unionize States (in blue), and adds something I completely agree with:

When all the States turn from Blue to Red, then the Middle Class in America will be gone. It will be over. The Government will be organized to promote and support the theft of Labor by the elites just as the government of the Confederate States of America was organized.

150 years ago we fought a Civil War over the question of the theft of labor. Now the Republican Confederate Party and their shock troops of TeaBagger simpletons seek a new battle over the theft of labor. I say we give it to them.


Just so were clear on whats been happening since Ronald Reagan was president, lets take another look at a chart that perfectly illustrates what Robert Reich calls The Republican Strategy, which is in part:

The Republican strategy is to split the vast middle and working class pitting unionized workers against non-unionized, public-sector workers against non-public, older workers within sight of Medicare and Social Security against younger workers who dont believe these programs will be there for them, and the poor against the working middle class.

By splitting working America along these lines, Republicans hope to deflect attention from the big story. Thats the increasing share of total income and wealth going to the richest 1 percent while the jobs and wages of everyone else languish.


Finally, consider whats been happening in Wisconsin this past week and try (I dare you!) to explain how the teabagger simpletons arent constantly protesting, arguing and voting against their own economic self-interests. Worse, theyre taking everyone else down with them.

Want to attend a solidarity action this week? See the list of participating events across the country. Everyone is welcome to attend.


Well-Known Member
The only reason we even need unions is.....
management sucks, and capitalists always
want to pay their workers the least that they
Karl Marx called this the polarized working
arrangement of capitalism. He also viewed
this as always leading to a conflict between
the workers and the capitalists ( the owners
of production ).


Naruto Fan
we should know what this man says about the mis-information we are being exposed to

From Wikipedia:David Cay Johnston (born Dec. 24, 1948) is an investigative journalist and author. Until April 2008, he was the tax reporter with The New York Times for thirteen years. He now works as an author, reporter, radio and television essayist, and lecturer.

Really Bad Reporting in Wisconsin: Who 'Contributes' to Public Workers' Pensions?
David Cay Johnston | Feb. 24, 2011 12:16 PM EST

When it comes to improving public understanding of tax policy, nothing has been more troubling than the deeply flawed coverage of the Wisconsin state employees' fight over collective bargaining.

Economic nonsense is being reported as fact in most of the news reports on the Wisconsin dispute, the product of a breakdown of skepticism among journalists multiplied by their lack of understanding of basic economic principles.

Gov. Scott Walker says he wants state workers covered by collective bargaining agreements to "contribute more" to their pension and health insurance plans.

Accepting Gov. Walker' s assertions as fact, and failing to check, created the impression that somehow the workers are getting something extra, a gift from taxpayers. They are not.

Out of every dollar that funds Wisconsin' s pension and health insurance plans for state workers, 100 cents comes from the state workers.

How can that be? Because the "contributions" consist of money that employees chose to take as deferred wages as pensions when they retire rather than take immediately in cash. The same is true with the health care plan. If this were not so a serious crime would be taking place, the gift of public funds rather than payment for services.

Thus, state workers are not being asked to simply "contribute more" to Wisconsin' s retirement system (or as the argument goes, "pay their fair share" of retirement costs as do employees in Wisconsin' s private sector who still have pensions and health insurance). They are being asked to accept a cut in their salaries so that the state of Wisconsin can use the money to fill the hole left by tax cuts and reduced audits of corporations in Wisconsin.

The labor agreements show that the pension plan money is part of the total negotiated compensation. The key phrase, in those agreements I read (emphasis added), is: "The Employer shall contribute on behalf of the employee." This shows that this is just divvying up the total compensation package, so much for cash wages, so much for paid vacations, so much for retirement, etc.

The collective bargaining agreements for prosecutors, cops and scientists are all on-line.

Reporters should sit down, get a cup of coffee and read them. And then they could take what they learn, and what the state website says about fringe benefits, to Gov. Walker and challenge his assumptions.

And they should point out the very first words the state has posted at a web page on careers as a state employee (emphasis added):

The fringe benefits offered to State of Wisconsin employees are significant, and are a valuable part of an individual's compensation package.
Coverage of the controversy in Wisconsin over unions collective bargaining, and in particular pension plan contributions, contains repeated references to the phrase "contribute more."

The key problem is that journalists are assuming that statements by Gov. Scott Walker have basis in fact. Journalists should never accept the premise of a political statement, but often they do, which explains why so much of our public policy is at odds with well-established principles.

The question journalists should be asking is "who contributes" to the state of Wisconsin' s pension and health care plans.

The fact is that all of the money going into these plans belongs to the workers because it is part of the compensation of the state workers. The fact is that the state workers negotiate their total compensation, which they then divvy up between cash wages, paid vacations, health insurance and, yes, pensions. Since the Wisconsin government workers collectively bargained for their compensation, all of the compensation they have bargained for is part of their pay and thus only the workers contribute to the pension plan. This is an indisputable fact.

Not every news report gets it wrong, but the narrative of the journalistic herd has now been set and is slowly hardening into a concrete falsehood that will distort public understanding of the issue for years to come unless journalists en masse correct their mistakes. From the Associated Press and The New York Times to Wisconsin's biggest newspaper, and every broadcast report I have heard, reporters again and again and again have written as fact what is nonsense.

Compared to tax, this economic issue that reporters have been mishandling is simple. But if journalists cannot grasp the economics of this issue, then how can we hope to have an intelligent debate about tax policy?

Dedicated tax journalists like my colleagues Lee Sheppard and Martin Sullivan at Tax Analysts have exposed, and explained in laymen terms, the arcane rules underlying the important tax debates and controversies that affect corporate and individual taxpayers. But the mainstream press is not even getting basic labor economics right, a much simpler matter.

Among the reports that failed to scrutinize Gov. Walker' s assertions about state workers' contributions and thus got it wrong is one by A.G. Sulzberger, the presumed future publisher of The New York Times, who is now a national correspondent. He wrote that the Governor "would raise the amount government workers pay into their pension to 5.8 percent of their pay, from less than 1 percent now."

Wrong. The workers currently pay 100 percent from their compensation package, but a portion of it is deducted from their paychecks and a portion of it goes directly to the pension plan.

One correct way to describe this is that the governor "wants to further reduce the cash wages that state workers currently take home in their paychecks." Most state workers already divert 5 percent of their cash wages to the pension plan, an official state website shows.

Gov. Walker says that he wants them to "contribute more" via deductions from their paychecks. But since the workers already contribute 100 percent of the money going to the pension plan the real issue is changing the accounting for this to reduce cash wages.

Once the state has settled on the compensation package for its workers then how the cash flows is merely accounting for how the costs are divvied up. If the workers got higher cash pay and diverted all of the pension contributions from their pay it would be the same amount compared to having the state pay directly into the pension funds.

By falsely describing the situation the governor has sought to create the issue as one of the workers getting a favor. The Club for Growth, in broadcast ads, blatantly lies by saying "state workers haven't had to sacrifice. They pay next to nothing for their pensions."

We expect ideological marketing organizations to shade the truth and even outright lie, as the Club for Growth has done. But journalists are supposed to check the facts, not adopt lies as truths.

Having had the good fortune long ago to train the presumed future publisher of the Los Angeles Times I focused on making sure he understood why careful checking of facts and questioning assumptions was a commercial, as well as journalistic value, for which reporters should be properly compensated because it made the paper reliable and thus more valuable to its owners. (Sadly my trainee later died and the paper was sold.)

Having worked at The New York Times I can tell you how editors might try to excuse this error. They call it "shorthand." But shorthand that is wrong is, in short, still wrong. So, Mr. Sulzberger, take the initiative and correct your error. Doing so, you would set an example that will become newsroom lore long after you retire.

Here are some other examples of inaccurate reporting of the issue, followed by a critique and a simple solution.
Todd Richmond of the Associated Press reported on Feb. 20 that the governor wants state workers "to contribute more to health care and pension costs." Richmond has repeatedly used variations of that phrase.
On Feb. 18, Michael Cooper and Katherine Q. Seelye of The New York Times reported that the legislation sponsored by Gov. Walker would "require workers to contribute more to their pension and health care plans."
Jane Ford-Stewart of the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel' s on-line community news service reported Feb. 22 on "an effort by Gov. Scott Walker to get state employees to contribute more toward their health insurance and pensions so that the costs are more in line with contributions by workers in the private sector." has a Wisconsin operation and it was also among those that got it wrong 100 percent dead wrong -- because it assumed the facts as stated by Gov. Walker and failed to question the underlying premise. Further, contrived assumptions make it is easy for the perpetrators of the misrepresentation to point to data that support a false claim, something Politifact missed entirely, on at least two occasions, in proclaiming false statements to be true.

Given how many journalists rely on Politifact to check political assertions, instead of doing their own research, this is, by far, the inaccuracy likely to have the greatest (or most damaging effect) on subsequent reporting. (Examples of Politifact' s inaccurate assessments can be found here and also here.)

Again, the money the state "contributes" is actually part of the compensation that has been negotiated with state workers in advance so it is their money that they choose to take as pension payments in the future rather than cash wages or other benefits today.

Next, journalists should ask how elected officials are treated by the pension system. The pay of elected leaders is set by the legislature without collective bargaining. Here it is also true that any money withheld from paychecks to fund the pension plans comes from the employee (the elected leaders) but this is not the result of a negotiated compensation package so there is a colorable argument that pension benefits that are received by elected leaders beyond the wages deducted from those employees' compensation package are a gift from taxpayers.

The payroll deduction - again, a mere accounting measure - - was 5 percent last year for "general participants," official state documents show, a rate that is 56 percent higher than the 3.2 percent rate for "elected leaders."

The rates were adjusted for 2011 and now the elected leaders pay 3.9 percent, still well below what the "general participants" collectively bargained to divert from their cash wages through this accounting device.

The rest of the money going into the plan is also wages the workers diverted, it just does not show up in paychecks as a line item, the same way that half of Social Security and Medicare taxes do not show up on paychecks, but are still part of total compensation to each worker in those plans.

I am being repetitive on purpose experience supervising others has taught me you usually have to teach something three to seven times before it sinks in. Some management texts also make this point.

That is not to say that the state workers make too much or too little. It is to say that journalists as a class are fundamentally getting the facts wrong by not understanding compensation.

Simplistic coverage has also resulted in numerous reports that Wisconsin state workers make more than workers in Wisconsin' s private business sector. This is true only if you compare walnuts to tuna fish.

State governments (indeed almost all governments) tend to hire people with college educations, including advanced degrees. Overall, private employers in all states tend to hire people with less education. More education means more pay because there is more skill required.

America has roughly the same number of food preparers, who can be high school dropouts, as registered nurses, who require a college education. But the nurses make on average $66,500, compared to just $18,100 for the food service workers. The food service workers collectively made less than $50 billion, while the registered nurses made almost $172 billion in 2009, my analysis of the official data shows.

Business and government hire both food service workers and registered nurses, but you are much more likely to work for the government as a registered nurse than as a food preparation worker.

When you control for the education required to be a prosecutor or nurse, government workers get total compensation that is less than those in the corporate sector. This may reflect the fact that fewer and fewer private sector workers are in unions, about 7 percent at last count. As economic theory predicts, as fewer workers can bargain collectively the overall wage level falls. Effectively wiping out public employee unions would only add to downward pressure on wages, standard economic theory shows.

On the other hand, unionized state workers run a much smaller risk of going through bouts of joblessness, an economic benefit. Numerous studies indicate that public workers, including those in Wisconsin, make about 5 percent less than private sector workers when you control for education. But what is the lifetime cost, and risk, of episodic joblessness among comparable private sector workers? Is that cost equal to 5 percent or so of lifetime earnings, which would even out the differential? I have yet to read an analysis of that issue by an academic economist, much less a journalist, so I do not know the truth of that question.

What Gov. Walker has achieved in selling a false assumption as fact occurs because journalists failed to follow what I call the first and second rules of journalism. This problem is pervasive in coverage of tax and budget issues, where so much nonsense gets reported as fact by the Washington Press corps that I have stopped filing away all but the most egregious errors and still I copy a story or three every day to use in lectures on getting it right and not writing nonsense.

And what are these two rules for journalists?

Rule One: Check it out. Be so skeptical that if your mother says she loves you, check it out.

Rule Two: Cross check again and again until you not only know the facts, but can put them in proper context and understand all sides so well that their perspective gets proper weight and lecture, or as I like to say, everyone recognizes their oar in the water.

Deadlines may make Rule Two difficult, and often impossible, in writing the first rough draft of history. We are now in the umpteenth draft and the initial mistake keeps getting repeated, as so often happens when a big story brings a herd, until it becomes accepted as unassailable truth.

The reason that falsehoods are transformed into the public' s common knowledge via inaccurate reporting is simple. When editors or producers back home get an account that differs from what the news herd says they raise questions and often delete unique and accurate insights. But if a reporter just repeats what everyone else is saying it usually sails unchallenged to print or airtime even when it is untrue.

Then there is this: How the compensation packages of state workers get divided up is not a matter of tax burdens. Only how much the state workers get paid is a matter of tax burdens.

There are two other important aspects to this, which go to the heart of tax policy and why our country is in for a long stay in the economic doldrums.

Traditional or defined benefit pension plans, properly administered, increase economic efficiency, while the newer defined contribution plans have high costs whether done one at a time through Individual Retirement Accounts or in group plans like 401(k)s.

Efficiency means that more of the money workers contribute to their pensions - - money that could have been taken as cash wages today - - ends up in the pockets of retirees, not securities dealers, trustees and others who administer and invest the money. Compared to defined benefit pension plans, 401(k) plans are vastly more expensive in investing, administration and other costs.

Individually managed accounts like 401(k)s violate a basic tenet of economics specialization increases economic gains. That is why the average investor makes much less than the market return, studies by Morningstar show.

This goes to Adam Smith's famous insight in 1776 about specialization increasing wealth: when pins were made in full by each worker each could make only a few each day, but when one person draws the wire, another cuts, another fashions the point, etc., the output rises to tens of thousands of pins and their price falls from dear to cheap.

Expecting individuals to be experts at investing their retirement money in defined contribution plans -- instead of pooling the money so professional investors can manage the money as is done in defined benefit plans -- is not sound economics.

The concept, at its most basic, is buying wholesale instead of retail. Wholesale is cheaper for the buyers. That is, it saves taxpayers money.

The Wisconsin State Investment Board manages about $74.5 billion for an all-in cost of $224 million.

That is a cost of about 30-cents per $100, which is good but not great. However it is far less than many defined contribution plans, where costs are often $1 or more per $100.

So, I hope that Mr. Sulzberger in particular will take the initiative to correct the inaccurate reporting and show the way to other reporters, for the betterment of both America and his family' s investment And I hope that all reporters will start questioning the assumption in the governor' s position instead of assuming his statements are infallible.

My larger hope is that reporters, editors and producers will apply this thinking when covering taxes and taxation, the system by which we distribute the burdens of living in and sustaining this, the Second American Republic.

Your thoughts? E-mail me at


Naruto Fan
I just had a flash and had to write it somewhere public, sort of

i think i figured out the problem with the **republican party (i make my point at the bottom if you want to skip to it**)

all this time at least, in the past few months since I became aware of certain truths, like that TV isn't for me, it's for the corporations, and i should forever more consider it only as an entertainment, and not trust it's lens or the slow plodding way it molds my perceptions of the world because it's just a fucking show they're putting on to fill seats, and they sell access to those seats to the corporations, so that's their real customer, and all this time i had it backwards, so that makes other things fit, like why i was watching charlie sheen and fucking lindsay lohan on their news show instead of anything meaningfull in the world like i get from Democracy Now everyday

And the truth that some people take high positions in public places expressly for the purpose of enacting or helping to enact certain legislation - because it will guarantee them a high salaried position afterwards, either in a lobbying firm or on wallstreet, because they take care of those who are able to deliver the goods! it's like a bonus worth millions

and that a very large percentage of retiring generals are immediately hired into VP positions in weapons manufacturers corporations, and they count on that and probably "lean" towards those kind of companies even before they retire.

anyway, the problem with the republican party...

scott walker probably isn't intelligent enough to have planned his career path based on union busting, or that he was even thinking of how it would guarantee him a healthy salary in a choice corporate or lobbying spot, after politics

And he can't also be stupid enough to not realize that it will have a negative effect on our society as one more damage to worker's rights (I absolutely reject the idea that he really believes it's a way to save money, i really believe he's not honest about that part from what's been written about his first attempt and how he rammed it thru to the detriment of all involved, and even lied during his campaign, failing to disclose it's failure because it wouldn't be recorded until after the elections as such, so he got away with not saying he'd failed before)

he's using what has been called, "Shock Doctrine," or using natural disasters and events of the day to justify pushing through policy and law that are not really good for the people...things they wouldn't usually get away with, but like the bombing of the world trade center, they are definitely using it to push through things they would have never gotten away with taking away our rights.

but the real problem for me has been...what the fuck is going on...all of these politicians pushing through laws that strip worker's rights that were hard fought over the last century, born of events like the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire a hundred years ago. One hundred years ago two days ago the people of New York had to watch as a hundred and fifty young women jumped or fell to their deaths, many burning and laying on the side-walk piled two and three high...and had to deal with the smell for the next couple of weeks as those dead bodies lay in the same street, and later a pier, as make-shift morgues, in an attempt to allow thier loved ones a chance to come identify the bodies. it gave the people of new york a kinesthetic memory of the shame that comes from allowing this sort of thing from happening...the eyewitnes account I heard said, "we didn't want this, we didn't want this fire to happen, we didn't want all of these girls to die!" and felt it from the bottom of their hearts, and that helped the labor movement for worker's rights to collectively bargain not only for wages but for other worker's rights

so my problem has been in thinking that scott walker thought up this wonderfull plan that, he even tried out once before, just to earn himself a feather in his bonnet and a guaranteed career after politics, which arguably are the only two good things to come out of his legislation.

**But no, i don't think that's it, and this is my realization....

that the problem starts with a desire to become idealogically alligned with the republican party

i think that's where it starts, and once they are indoctrinated, like i was to the "news" then their actions can be pretty much assumed will "lean" towards policies that will benfit the driver's of society (corporations and other powerful decision makers) at the cost of the average man, and to try to reduce the number of democrats that can vote in any public election, either thru chilling them, as they do with Fox News, or direct challenges to voter rights under the guise of being about voter fraud, which does not exist in today's reality (see Shock Doctrine)

it's just a natural succession from idealogical alignment to improper action

i think these days the identity thing is the issue, even science cannot break thru this shield of identity they wear, even in the face of overwhelming evidence that
island nation peoples
who are going to die or have to relocate (like the people in the lower nineth ward did, without cars or busses)...oh, wait, we're setting up a "fund" for them, a drop in the bucket
...just by reducing green house gas emissions on this planet now
but that would involve admitting that we were wrong, and have to pay them restitution for the effects we have had on their eco-systems while we stayed warm

because of this idealogical alignment with being a republican that creates a myopia, a single-sightedness, that precludes any alternative dialogs from taking the stage even briefly for the public to ponder, that's all done behind closed doors, for our own good, i'm sure.

i am reminded of a quote by Kurt Vonnegut:
e pluribus unum
out of many, one
and the examination in the book surrounding those phrases, so many people have tried to light the way, and i've been watching television, shit, i'm such a schmuck

anyway, these are absolutely things that demand my action, i just need to figure out what i can do constructively try to talk them out of it with some inclusive statement thats easier to swallow than the dire enemies or the state they talk about, or writing letters and finding demonstrations that don't risk incarceration. Geez, this is just so fricken huge, and bothersome as Shikamaru would say.

that's how the pretzel is taking shape in my head at this point anyway
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