Made brownies for the first time - Success!


Well-Known Member
Ive had 2 ounces of heavily used abv that's been sitting around anywhere from 5-9 months now. I let it lightly simmer in 1/3 of a cup of grapeseed oil for 45 minutes. This was JUST enough to cover all of the abv fortunately. I then proceeded to follow the rest of the directions to cook the brownies. I didn't strain the abv out. I ate 2 brownies and I got great results. A nice moderate high that lasted about 12 hours in total.

Like I mentioned before this was heavily used abv. Its was mostly dark brown having been ran through my flowermate v5.0s on red at least twice. I think the saving grace was that I had 2 ounces to work with. 1 ounce I suspect would of had disappointing results. What I wonder now is how much fresh bud would equal out to 2 ounces of the abv.

One thing is for sure, if you're inexperienced with edibles I advise waiting an adequate period of time for it to kick in. I could see things easily getting out of hand if a concentrate, or even fresh bud is used. I started getting impatient after about 45 minutes but I stuck to it. I think next time I want to try around 5 grams of fresh decarboxylated bud.


The smell while the abv was simmering was stronger than I anticipated. Didn't linger though.
I was surprised by how long the high lasted.
The abv didn't negatively affect the taste.
It took 1 hour and 30 minutes after eating it for it to kick in.
In the past 3 months the only weed I had was a abv joint. My tolerance currently is very low.
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Well-Known Member
When I tried I'd only had one ounce it was quite disappointing. I even quit collecting my abv afterwards. Maybe I'll start collecting it again and try for two ounces next time!


Well-Known Member
Nice @sokesleezy!

Bama, I'd recommend you try making a firecracker or something out of 1-2g ABV to test your tolerance and effects, perhaps you need to titrate your intake if you are a heavy user.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I would consider myself a heavy user lol! I have to ask what is a firecracker? Sorry for the noon question :p


Well-Known Member
no worries at all! I used to make firecrackers after my first two attempts at edibles failed miserably...I wanted a way to make small batches, on demand, and with as little weed as possible.

My recipe is pretty easy, I don't like peanut butter much so I opt for nutella instead. I haven't baked with fresh herb in a while, but with abv this is what i've done:

2 saltine crackers
Nutella or peanut butter
1-2g ABV
Soy lecithin

You can vary the ABV quantities but I'm a pretty heavy user, vape every day, and usually 1 gram of my abv puts me in a happy tingly place :)

0) Preheat your oven to 320F

1) Grind up your abv as much as possible. I like to get it powdery so I can maximize surface area and reduce mouthfeel of the abv when I consume it.

2) Mix this in with ~1 tbsp of nutella. Get it nicely mixed up, I use the consistency as a means for judging how much nutella I need to add; there's no harm in adding too much, it just takes that much longer to eat :) Consistency I aim for is pasty and slightly wet. Nutella can form dry "pockets" around weed if it isn't mixed well, so take a fork to it and ensure it is uniform.

3) Optional: add in 1 tsp of soy lecithin. Mix it well.

4) Spread this mix on one side of each of the crackers and then press em together. Try not to press too hard as the nutella/weed mix will ooze out if you're too forceful.

5) Wrap in some tinfoil, I like to crimp the edges to seal it.

6) Bake it for 20-25 minutes

7) Let it cool and consume! This shit can get really dry and I've found drinking milk while eating em to be very helpful.

I can't rmeember how much un-vaped herb I used to use, probably 0.5g or so.


Well-Known Member
Hell yeah! Thanks for the recipe I will definitely give that a try after I get done moving. I will report back and let you know how it goes!
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