Well-Known Member
Heating pads! They are small enough you can leave one in your desk at work. It gives you a little extra warmth without raising the room ambient temp (problematic if you share space).
Cannabis can lower your body temp.
If you start feeling anxious, try chewing a couple whole peppercorns. Some people say it helps.
If peppercorns aren't your thing, eating something may help. It usually helps to lower the intensity if needed.
I've been a near daily user for 8 years now mainly to treat anxiety and depression so I never really experienced that. Even when I couldn't afford it I was still able to drop to 0.15g per day with capsules just for a maintenance dose of some sort. To manage tolerance I usually mix up strains, use different pieces, nails, or even vape flowers again. Edibles are great too though tolerance builds quickly with daily use.
In absence of CBD you could try THCA in capsule form, seems to have some similar effects and is also non-psychoactive. I figure the best way would be to heat up some coconut oil just enough to dissolve some shatter. I'm going to whip up a batch myself soon to experiment, I already tried adding some to my lotion but it's harder to tell if it added any benefit.
I am not sure if this was in response to what I had raised. However, I do not use ejuices because it is very difficult to get the active contents to mix evenly in ejuice fluid and stay evenly mixed throughout the solution. Also I will not inhale solvents like VG/PG/PEG/ethanol if there is absolutely any other alternative. Of course, your choice of medication is your business and it is not for me to tell you how to use your medicine and this only relates to my situationI like to vape cjuice, which is basically shatter and an oil soluble eliquid (i.e. ejmix), which is vape out of an ecig tank. The beauty of it all is you mix it yourself, so the potency is completely up to you.
I like high CBD strains for anxiety relief, right now I have some purple diesel shatter that's doing well. I rarely feel anxious, nervous or depressed when I medicate this way.
On top of that, you can dial in the power from the ecig battery to further adjust the effects.
Now a days I feel like I have full control of my meds and generally dose accordingly, no matter how micro.
That shaking thing happens to me every once in a while when I get really high. Almost exactly as you described it, except no feeling faint, and usually throughout the whole ordeal my heart feels like it's trying to pound its way out of my chest. I always write it off as weed-induced anxiety/panic attack.
I've found that low temperature micro dosing seems to work well to give me the uplifting effects I want without pushing me over the edge and inducing anxiety. And when I do go too far and start to get that feeling, concentrating on something helps. For me, it's playing guitar that helps the most. If I focus on that for a while, eventually my heart slows and I calm down.
The shaking hasn't happened to me in a while; I usually only get the pounding heart when I overdo it. That alone is bad enough. The uncontrollable shaking is truly horrible. Frightening, even.
Thanks for sharing your experience. Nobody that I've talked to in real life has ever gone through anything similar. And they wonder why I take it slow when partaking!
Without wishing to disrespect your condition, that is quote of the year. You should sell that to Woody Allen, dudeThis is me right here.. It goes both ways because when I'm not anxious thinking I'm going to die, my depression makes me wish I was dead.
Ha, I was reading that at work just yesterday also.I was reading this last night and found it interesting. I don't intend to try to get High when I start Vaping. ( newbie) I am actually looking for strains higher in CBD. I really had no idea how complex this can get. https://www.leafly.com/news/cannabis-101/how-to-customize-a-cannabis-high-with-temperature
Ha, I was reading that at work just yesterday also.
It does get pretty in depth. I feel like that's what people don't get, who don't like cannabis. They think when you smoke boom you're high as fuck pothead idiot. Not that you can control your high in steps with vaping especially. And then by getting even more in depth you can really control almost every aspect. And then still be able to go out and function in the world.
Yeah good question. I could and maybe should do that. I think part of it is that I feel .05 really isn't all that much, even though vaporizing it sure as hell makes you feel like it is. So I don't really like to keep a half used nano stem laying around. If I was using my mflb than I'd have no problem leaving a trench for 3 different sessions. Although looking at my nano stem from last night, it's definitely probably only half way vaped so I guess I didn't finish last night.
The other part is I think my headspace was just all wrong because as long as I'm occupied With something else, the high is very enjoyable!
Going back to school is going to be a big issue for me. I took a 3 month t-break, but my friends certainly haven't quit over the summer, and they were already heavy smokers before we left. It's going to be quite hard to limit myself when they are going to want to smoke/vape more than just one bowl.
Seems like you know the score..... Just take a couple of hits...... It's not a competitionGoing back to school is going to be a big issue for me. I took a 3 month t-break, but my friends certainly haven't quit over the summer, and they were already heavy smokers before we left. It's going to be quite hard to limit myself when they are going to want to smoke/vape more than just one bowl.
I want to start this thread because everybody, myself included, looks at having a low tolerance as a magical thing. When your tolerance is high, we can function and do almost anything high that we could do sober. "But it takes more to feel the same effects" - so we take it for granted.
Lately, after taking a 4 month break I haven't ever vaped more than .05 grams at a time. But it is hitting me like a brick. I can't concentrate on television shows, reading, video games - I'm lost in thought in my own head. Which isn't always a bad thing. But when the thoughts turn dark, it starts to scare me again and I get paranoid, just like someone who doesn't have a lot of experience with getting high. But I do, but I'm just like them again.
Last night I vaped the same amount as usual but instead of finishing the episode of House of Cards, which I like, but when high MAN does it seem cheesy to me - I decided I wanted to go to bed and lay with my girlfriend. Because she's there and real and tv is just tv.
I knew I was still way too high to fall asleep but did it anyway. But as soon as I slip under the sheets and feel the warmth I start shivering a little. I almost can't even take having our bodies touch. I adjust so we aren't touching as much because I'm very cold and think slowly warming up would be better. After a minute or two the slight shivering feels like full blown muscle spasms. I could even hear the bed slightly moving and I knew for sure she would notice if she were awake. I couldn't figure out what was going on. It continues for 5-10 minutes and thoughts start creeping into my head that if I were to be walking around at this point I'd look like a spastic with a disorder. Another thought was that I was having a little seizure and this must be what it's like, I could still move around my limbs but if I didn't try, my whole body felt locked up and just continued to violently shake, like a very strong shiver. I started to think what if when I woke up the feeling was still there.
Eventually I snapped out of the thoughts and in my head told myself, I'm just high and that's it. Instantly, my body stopped shaking and everything seemed to come to a halt. My muscles felt tired from the shaking. At one point during the "episode" I thought I was going to faint and that feeling was gone too.
The experience made me think twice about when the next time I wanted to partake. Whereas the night before I consumed the same amount and had a great time doing ceramics and being very creative.
So basically what I'm saying is, having a low tolerance isn't always what it's cracked up to be or what we remember. Being in a dark room and "alone" can severely alter your high, even when experienced. Don't take for granted partaking with friends and having great conversations and laughing either.
Anyone else have some crazy shit go down from their low tolerance?
Like you say!Like any substance, there is a balance. And everybody's body is different.
Take tobacco as an example. We can ignore the negative health effects, and just look at the effects of the drug for the point I am attempting to make. If I were to be a smoker, I would rather have a slight tolerance to cigarettes, but not an extremely high tolerance. If I had no tolerance I would get sick whenever I wanted to smoke. If I had too much of a tolerance my cigarette would never be satisfying, and I would chain smoke trying to satisfy a craving that I can never really satisfy.
Same with alcohol. If I go out drinking with regular drinkers and I have no tolerance I will make a fool of myself, getting drunk quickly and exhibiting pronounced effects from the alcohol. If I had too high a tolerance I would be in a state of withdrawal much of the time, and I would need to be an alcoholic to maintain a normal lifestyle.
For me the goal is 0.25 grams a day, but I usually end up closer to 0.50 grams a day when my tolerance is high.
I'd love to think that being medicated helps me be more civilized to others, but I know plenty of folks who get terrible effects from cannabis, and act like uncivilized barbarians when they get stoned (making messes, forgetting things, that sort of stuff).
This happens to me if I ingest too much marijuana. It's the wildest thing! I'm super easily distracted and shows I normally enjoy seem so fake and horrible. Sometimes all I can hear is a laugh track! lol But even the super intense cold shivers. I used to get REALLY REALLY high at a friend's house and have to walk back in the cold. It was about a 15 minute walk. I would get colder and colder no matter how much I bundled up. My body would instantly lock up and get rigid, especially my FACE! My neck would tense up and the whole time it was convulsions shaking me. I could still walk, but it felt like something was seriously wrong! It freaked me out until I could tell myself to calm down, I'm just high. lolI want to start this thread because everybody, myself included, looks at having a low tolerance as a magical thing. When your tolerance is high, we can function and do almost anything high that we could do sober. "But it takes more to feel the same effects" - so we take it for granted.
Lately, after taking a 4 month break I haven't ever vaped more than .05 grams at a time. But it is hitting me like a brick. I can't concentrate on television shows, reading, video games - I'm lost in thought in my own head. Which isn't always a bad thing. But when the thoughts turn dark, it starts to scare me again and I get paranoid, just like someone who doesn't have a lot of experience with getting high. But I do, but I'm just like them again.
Last night I vaped the same amount as usual but instead of finishing the episode of House of Cards, which I like, but when high MAN does it seem cheesy to me - I decided I wanted to go to bed and lay with my girlfriend. Because she's there and real and tv is just tv.
I knew I was still way too high to fall asleep but did it anyway. But as soon as I slip under the sheets and feel the warmth I start shivering a little. I almost can't even take having our bodies touch. I adjust so we aren't touching as much because I'm very cold and think slowly warming up would be better. After a minute or two the slight shivering feels like full blown muscle spasms. I could even hear the bed slightly moving and I knew for sure she would notice if she were awake. I couldn't figure out what was going on. It continues for 5-10 minutes and thoughts start creeping into my head that if I were to be walking around at this point I'd look like a spastic with a disorder. Another thought was that I was having a little seizure and this must be what it's like, I could still move around my limbs but if I didn't try, my whole body felt locked up and just continued to violently shake, like a very strong shiver. I started to think what if when I woke up the feeling was still there.
Eventually I snapped out of the thoughts and in my head told myself, I'm just high and that's it. Instantly, my body stopped shaking and everything seemed to come to a halt. My muscles felt tired from the shaking. At one point during the "episode" I thought I was going to faint and that feeling was gone too.
The experience made me think twice about when the next time I wanted to partake. Whereas the night before I consumed the same amount and had a great time doing ceramics and being very creative.
So basically what I'm saying is, having a low tolerance isn't always what it's cracked up to be or what we remember. Being in a dark room and "alone" can severely alter your high, even when experienced. Don't take for granted partaking with friends and having great conversations and laughing either.
Anyone else have some crazy shit go down from their low tolerance?