Looks interesting


Trapped in the Astral Planes Back from the dead
New Federal Marijuana Commission Could Help End Drug War

Posted on
April 23, 2013 at 8:44 am
in featured, Legal


Art from the the End the War on Drugs campaign
Back in the ’70s a big government commission recommended President Richard Nixon lift federal penalties for marijuana use.
The Commission stated, “The actual and potential harm of use of the drug is not great enough to justify intrusion by the criminal law into private behavior, a step which our society takes only ‘with the greatest reluctance.”
But scumbag President Nixon promptly ignored the famed Shafer Commission and started a 43 year-old Drug War instead.
Proving history is one giant loop, on Thursday, Rep. Steve Cohen – a Democrat in Tennessee –introduced a bill to create a new “National Commission on Federal Marijuana Policy”. The Commission would do the same thing as the Shafer Commission, perform a full review of the federal government’s current policies toward marijuana, given its legality in 19 states and growing.
“Regardless of your views on marijuana, it’s important that we understand the impact of current federal policy and address the conflict with those state laws that allow for medicinal or personal use of marijuana,” states Congressman Cohen. “This conflict is only going to continue to grow over the next few years and we must provide certainty to the millions of individuals and businesses that remain caught in a web of incompatible laws. A national commission would provide us with the information we need to create sensible policy going forward.”
Even though the Commission would essentially duplicate the work of the Shafer commission and spend more federal dollars we don’t have proving what 90 percent of Americans already believe – the Drug War is a total failure – drug law reformers are lining up to support it.
Rep. Cohen’s allies on the bill include Jared Polis (D-CO), Earl Blumenhauer (D-OR), Jim Moran (D-VA), and Sam Farr (D-CA). And you can join them too by clicking on this link from the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws and signing a letter to your Congressman.
Do you think the Shafer Commission Round II will give the next President enough political cover to do the right thing on marijuana? Either way, good luck, HR 1635. You’re gonna need it.
original source http://blog.sfgate.com/smellthetrut...marijuana-commission-could-help-end-drug-war/


Technical Skeptical
I don't see any change coming from this, the drug war is too big to fail.

This guy appears to be under the effects of a controlled substance in this picture, no?

Frederick McGuire

Aggressively Loungey
I doubt anything will come of this...
A few years back, our (Australian) government commissioned a review of our entire tax system, to see how our tax system should be run going into the future.

The review came back with over 100 reccomendations on ways to streamline the tax system, which would lead to a system that was much easier for the layperson to understand, and would save the govt millions in administrative costs.

They implemented 1 suggestion...
And it was a new tax...

I guess I'm just cynical when it comes to politics... :shrug:


Well-Known Member
I don't believe them either. They are here to govern our minds remember, that's why they are called government. Apparently we need this? I am afraid the drug war is part of something a lot bigger, something that has to do with the attitude of 'let them do it'...unless 'we' change that attitude, 'they' will keep on doing their 'job':shrug:


Vapor concierge
my only fear is that this is often a stall tactic to put things off until they blow over. The good news is that it really feels like the winds are changing here in the states. I think at some point it will become legal all over, but not until that action helps out some other cause, like distracting us from the financial bs that is going on in govt.

Heehehe...! At some time politicians from over 20 states debated horse f:)cking ,and won! Would liked to have watched those debates on C-span.
I wonder if any states allow both marijuana AND horsef:)cking? Someday will we be legally able to enjoy our weed and our horses as we see fit? An internet survey that I made up shows 70-75% of horses support full legalization. Hmm..I just bought a big chunk of land in Colorado,and ive always liked those little short horses. Especially the blonde ones,the sexy ones...:tup:


Well-Known Member
sigh- I long for the day when Trigger & I no longer have to hide our love & cannabis use.

I could ride trigger into the hills, then ride trigger into the hills, blow a doobie & then ride trigger out of the hills.

Dont get me wrong its not all about the sex.
My heart yearns for when Trigger will sweep me away for an evening of dinner, dancing & flowers.

Quite the romantic my equine paramour is.

It just wont be the same until we can get married.
equal equine/human rights now!


Scratchin' Glass!
Accessory Maker

Heehehe...! At some time politicians from over 20 states debated horse f:)cking ,and won! Would liked to have watched those debates on C-span.
I wonder if any states allow both marijuana AND horsef:)cking? Someday will we be legally able to enjoy our weed and our horses as we see fit? An internet survey that I made up shows 70-75% of horses support full legalization. Hmm..I just bought a big chunk of land in Colorado,and ive always liked those little short horses. Especially the blonde ones,the sexy ones...:tup:

What if said horse is high on weed? Would you have date raped a horse? We need guidelines people!


Well-Known Member
I thought I was watching a a south park episode.

Drugs are bad mmmkay...

Lets hope the next generation won't suffer from oppression from types such as her.
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