looking for suggestions what I can look at under a microscope


Well-Known Member
I have a icroscope for a while already(got it from my grabdmother, she had 2 since my grandfather used to have one too when he was still alive), but I didn't have the glass slides, so my options with it were limited, it was usefull for checking the ripeness of trichomes tough.
now I got the glass slides, as sinterklaaspresent(holiday celebrated on 5 december, comparable to the giftaspect christmas has in america)

I already looked at a few random things after getting vaped last night, juice from a plant in my room(boring, looked pretty much like water), some hash-ABV(kind of interesting, but not very special), some regular abv(hard to get visible very well), but now I'm looking for more things I can look at and was wondering if anyone here has suggestions?
I could try to take pics and post those too, 1-2 years ago I succeeded at making a photo of some trichomes by holding the camera where you usually hold your eye.
the ohoto was a bit on the dark side though(this miscroscope has a mirror, instead of an electric light like the newer ones, and since I looked at a solid object I used a piece of paper instead of a glass slide to place the object on, and lighted from the side with a flashlight(with white or slightly blue and not yellow light)


Standing stone faced like a statue.
How about some concentrates, get a small amount and force it between the 2 pieces of glass.


Well-Known Member
only if you deliver it to me:p can't buy oil here, only hash.(and weed)
closest I could do is some resin from my UD-stem or so.
maybe a dirty topscreen of my DV, noticed that the oil clogging holes in there is seetrough-amber color, so that could work for the miscroscope


Standing stone faced like a statue.
try that! The resin is still a form of oil. And I think the hash could also look pretty cool when pressed between the two glass plates(if you have them)
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