Looking for some advice?

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Hey everyone I am going to be purchasing a new bong in the very near future, VERY! lol So I have done my research and I am not looking at spending a ton. Just want something a little better that has some diffusion and ice pinches. I have pretty much narrowed it down to a bong made by Black Leaf called "The Nautilus". It has a inline perc with 14 slits of diffusion, has ice pinches, and is 17.7 inches. Just wanted to know if this is a good piece, maybe get some opinions from some people who have one? Or even the other ones like the bent kneck one or the mini? Also I have seen that the best and pretty much only place to purchase this particular bong is on Grasscity? Is this the case? Or can I purchase it elsewhere? Or is there a better place I should be looking, because I'm not stuck on this particular bong completely. Just from what I seen from the hours of research I did last night the only place that has this is Grasscity and it is the most bang for your buck for $85.


Frederick McGuire

Aggressively Loungey
I have one, It works well.
I have the bent neck version... (I think they call it the layback version?)
I'm actually planning on letting my one go soon, but not due to poor performance, I've just got too many other pieces I prefer...

I know there are other members on here who have one as well, and I haven't heard bad things.

It has a closed end to the inline, which is good since it has downcut slits.
(I have one piece with downcut slits, but the end of the inline is open... Guess where all the air goes :huh:)

If you'd like I might be able to shoot a quick vid of it in action tomorrow.
Frederick McGuire,
That would be awesome! I am trying to see what is going on with Grasscity. Because I was going to go ahead and bite the bullet but something is up with their system and it says my card isn't going through. IDK I'll figure it all out tomorrow.

Frederick McGuire

Aggressively Loungey

Here's a quickie for you:
Dual Solos through a Planetvape.ca Y adapter into the Layback Inline.

Its only the first hit of about 10...
Frederick McGuire,


here for the chicks
I believe GC has a 30% 420 discount, it might pay off to wait a few more days.
They are running 10% off now. How would I comfirm that they are actually having a 30% off on that day? Because I'm really anxious to get this and if I wait and that doesn't happen I would be pissed.


here for the chicks
Well, you could just send them an email, but I'm sure someone on here can confirm it.
Bump to see if anyone can confirm that they are having 30% off on 4/20? Also I still haven't received a reply back from them, but from the research I did I doubt I will for a day or so.
I have a few points the add, the first being that I have the normal Nautilus model and it is par excellence for China glass. While lightweight and not terribly thick, my example has very good welds and exhibits good workmanship. The inline is well made and nicely cut, and has a sealed end as it should, which many inexpensive China inlines don't have. The bowl it comes with, while seemingly oversized to the point of being humorous, has many vapor applications with units such as the VHW and VM2, and I don't think that bowl is available separately.

My second point would be to consider American or European glass, because ultimately it'll only cost you another 40 -80 bucks for the difference. I think I remember someone talking about Soul Shine Family Glass making nice inexpensive inlines, you can contact them on etsy.

My third point which is more about taste is that I personally much prefer well-diffused bubblers at this point and find bongs a little cumbersome. If you primarily vape at your desk especially then I think bubblers are superior. There are some nice sub or near 100$ made in America bubblers in this nice thread.
Anyway, regardless of your ethics, I do think the Nautilus is a pretty cool piece to bang around with if you can get it for the 60ish shipped it cost me.


Well-Known Member
Just want to confirm that Soul Shine Family Glass[SSFG] does make quality, inexpensive American glass.
Grasscity just got back to me finally and they said they were having issues with their credit card deal because they banned international purchases on most cards. I called my company and they said that they do in fact allow the international purchases, but the only way it would deny it was if the company or city or whatever has had a fraud report? So has anyone bought from Grasscity.com before? I have seen alot of happy customers, but have done alot of research and noticed alot of people that claim they got scammed? The lady I talked with did say they have a paypal account, but I'm sure it will be a few days before I hear back from her again.
That is good to know! I just tried to order the same bong from everydoesit.com instead because it was a little cheaper. Well I'm having the same issues with it not accepting my card. So I just put in the order and I'll do a bank transfer tomorrow.
So apparently Grasscity and everydoesit are one in the same. Both the exact same company lol. So they have the Nautilus on Grasscity for $85 and on everydoesit for $70


Well-Known Member
So apparently Grasscity and everydoesit are one in the same. Both the exact same company lol. So they have the Nautilus on Grasscity for $85 and on everydoesit for $70

Hmm...where'd you get that info? I can't find anything that backs that up

By the way, are you prepared for grasscity/EDITs shipping hassles? Shipping glass from europe not only gouges you on the shipping price, but I've had friends wait 1, 2, or 3 months for their package from those websites.

Compared to buying from an american glass company like NYC mentioned (www.ssfgglass.com) where its shipped for a reasonable price and it should arrive within the week.

If you don't mind the wait, the nautilus is far from a bad choice, just got to be real patient :/
Hmm...where'd you get that info? I can't find anything that backs that up

By the way, are you prepared for grasscity/EDITs shipping hassles? Shipping glass from europe not only gouges you on the shipping price, but I've had friends wait 1, 2, or 3 months for their package from those websites.

Compared to buying from an american glass company like NYC mentioned (www.ssfgglass.com) where its shipped for a reasonable price and it should arrive within the week.

If you don't mind the wait, the nautilus is far from a bad choice, just got to be real patient :/
I was told by my credit card company that both those websites are run by URT1 limited or something. They said that both websites were the same company. Which is why you would probably say the shipping is a bitch because that is what I have heard about Grasscity, but not really so much about everydoesit. So IDK?


Well-Known Member
I was told by my credit card company that both those websites are run by URT1 limited or something. They said that both websites were the same company. Which is why you would probably say the shipping is a bitch because that is what I have heard about Grasscity, but not really so much about everydoesit. So IDK?
Ahh... that's very interesting.
Maybe they were once two separate entities but at one point merged (or one bought out the other)

Nothing like controlling a massive share of the market to make some serious profits.
Plus look at the prices of those things. I wanted to spend like $100 tops and with Black leaf I could get a nice bong a cool ass pre cooler and the sherlock piece I want all for $160 shipped to my door. Now that I have confirmed that Grasscity is for sure doing their 30$ off sale on 4/20 starting at midnight I will just wait and buy it all from them.

Frederick McGuire

Aggressively Loungey
That was the first hit, with both of em on 4.
The first hit tends to be a little wispy.
I'm gonna post a vid in the solo thread soon of the whole run, check it out.
here it is:

Another EDIT:
I don't know what you've decided on, but I've got a quick vid I shot of the nautilus with different water levels rendering now, so I'll post that very soon.
also, I shot a vid of the nautilus in action with my Supreme.
If you want I can throw it up here for you.
otherwise I'll probably just throw it up in the supreme thread at some point.

EDIT ;):
heres that water level vid:
OOps, I fucked up, Vid to come soon :lol:
Frederick McGuire,
Yea I pretty much am stuck on the Nautilus or just a basic black leaf perc bong. But for the same prices I would just get the Nautilus because its bigger. Then I'll be getting either that Blaze 11 arm or the Black Leaf 8 arm. I think I'm leaning towards the Black leaf 8 arm because I like the recessed joint. Then I'm getting the weed star j-hook since I like the bigger mouthpiece and its thinker glass than the rest.
actually I believe I have decided on the Blaze 11 arm because its 14mm and the weed star j-hook they only have in 14mm.
Blegh. Why so much China glass?
Because not all of use have the money to drop on a Illadelph special edition 7mm straight w/ frosted NYC skyline that probably cost you $700 or something. I think anything that is a little nicer and thicker glass is an upgrade for me.
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