I have been using the MFLB for several years and have been quite happy with it. I have severe chronic persistent asthma and I was able to vape with the MFLB without issues up until recently...about two months ago, I started having more coughing and bronchospasm using it. I thought perhaps my over-zealous cleaning it with rubbing alcohol may have been an issue. MFLB was kind enough to replace it. But I am having the same issue with the new one. Due to a pain issue, I had increased my usage. But not by gigantic margins. I live in a medical state and can easily obtain concentrates. I was wondering if perhaps a concentrate vape pen might be less irritating since I might be using a lot less to reach the same effect (correct me if I'm wrong). Awhile back, I did have an Omnicron, but it was VERY DIFFICULT TO LOAD and clogged up frequently. In frustration, I finally gave it away. Is there anything out there that someone has tried that can be loaded easily (such as putting a dab of something on a heating element)? And, since I'm on a limited income, one that is not overpriced (I can afford around $150 or less). And NO FREAKING CARTRIDGES like the Omnicron!!! Feedback appreciated!