looking for Cheech glass in the usa


Well-Known Member
i am wanting to buy this cheech bubbler , but i am told that they can not ship to the usa as cheech marin sued the glass company for the name.
the store i found in Ca. is Mary Jane's Headquarters in Kelowna BC
if anyone knows where in the usa to get one please post
if you might want to help get it to me from Ca. , message me



Well-Known Member
http://www.maryjaneshq.com/collections/water-pipes/products/cheech-10-removable-tree-perc-bubbler ?

all i'd suggest is email them and say you'd pay extra or something.
I do like the removable tree perc (until it gets broken pulling it out =[ )

this is the store i contacted , they will not ship cheech glass to usa , at least to me :(
their suggestion was to find someone in Ca to purchase and them ship to me

Just get some dhgate hahaha

do you have a dhgate link for a bubbler like the cheech bubbler i posted?
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