Looking for a new vape, good options?

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Well-Known Member
I have a heatgun setup with Ehle 500 ML (my gnome slider and my EHLE Diffy downstem broke when knocking my tube off the desk.) So I am now in the market for a new vape as I am vape-less currently. I would prefer a powerful portable that I can also use at home, ideally.

I am an ex-smoker (tobacco, not quite "ex" yet with the herb), so to me, visible vapor is important.
I have been looking around and the Ascent seems to be one of the main contenders for me. Always open for alternative vapes, ofcourse (that is why I am here, after all!).

Important things to me are:

- Visible vapour
- Taste
- Efficiency of extraction
- Ability to hook up to glass (Had a pinaccle hydro tube in mind myself, again, open for suggestions)
- No long waiting times inbetween hits. (I will be using it solo but also with friends)
- Portability (pocketable preferrably) **Edited this in later when the solo came up as it might work the solo but taking it out to pubs and stuff it might be a bit big for**

Preferably also something that doesnt break easily as it appears that I am quite clumsy, broke 2 gnomes and my ehle in a few months).

If anyone here could be of any help it would be very much appriciated. Also, feel free to ask for more info if any of you feel it might help at all to determine what vape is for me.

Thanks a lot,


clouded vision

Well-Known Member
I agree, solo is a great option. the glass stems are fairly sturdy and easily replaceable and the rest is built like a tank. It does have a restricted draw which some find annoying but that is why it can produce such huge clouds without effort. it has a great taste thanks to the all glass vapor path, very easy to hook up to water paths with or even without gong stems, I use mine with friends all the time and it's great, no wait times in between hitting unless you are trying to pass it as fast as you can, I always get nice evenly dark browned abv from mine. honestly I would say it is the best vaporizer for the money and lots would agree


Well-Known Member
I was wondering if the SS crucible makes a difference for the taste. Also when I get it I would not mind spending some extra for a better device. I have heard that the ascent has taken over a lot of spots of the solo for the ones that got lucky enough to obtain one as of now. Any opinions on this?

clouded vision

Well-Known Member
I can't say anything about the ascent personally but I think I read that stickstones said it is pretty comparable to the solo so I can't justify spending $100 more for something that I already have. the ss does not affect the taste at all.
clouded vision,
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Well-Known Member
It's funny you say that I do believe I read that stickstones switched to his Ascent since he got it, though I may have been pretty high so I could be wrong! Also not sure how much difference it would make in the price when adding in the extras for the solo (GonG, HE Stem, charge while in use, charge in car) and the Ascent (GonG Piece, car charger), I will have to have a look into that as well. I must admit that I had kinda set myself on the ascent but I dont really want to let the fanciness and all that cloud my judgement, so thanks for alternatives as well as explaining why.

clouded vision

Well-Known Member
I'm not saying the ascent isn't any good, I just don't see it being worth $100 more than the solo is all, the only thing I bought extra for mine is the gong stem, I haven't found the need for a car charger or PA with the battery life you get out of it. I'm fairly certain the davinci doesn't come with the gong, plus the one I saw awhile back looked very fragile to me, especially compared to the solo ( that was the original one that kept it upright for oils, I'm not sure if they made a sorry one for flowers soyou can invert it). I also think you might be right about him switching to the ascent, I would to if I had one, even if it's just a little better but I personally couldn't justify spending an extra hundred unless it rally is that much better


Well-Known Member
I know you did not intend to give that impression, I did not mean it that way at all! I would be using it with herbs only (oils are illegal here, herbs are not, nor is hash) so I would indeed just go for the inverted one, I do agree that the oil one does look like it might break quite easily (the U-shaped one) especially with my clumsiness. And for me being able to take it along to clubs and concerts is a must and that is one of the big reasons that I like a fairly small one! It doesnt help that I am quite OCD/Autistic when it comes to materials taste and the like. Also the cleaning of the solo is that simple? The glass parts just ISO but the SS bit I don't know. The ascent with its all glass should be a breeze to clean though.


Well-Known Member
I will tread lightly here, the ascent is the shiny new toy on the block, long term reliability is yet to be seen, the solo while may experience some faulty units (very few reported) has held up to heavy everyday use for a good duration by members here. The firewood is also getting a lot a love here lately, your options are many. Stainless doesn't have a taste, otherwise it wouldn't be what commercial kitchens use. At any rate, I highly recommend buying from an authorized dealer on the solo so you don't get boned on warranty (160$ shipped from PIU).


Well-Known Member
The Ascent is indeed very new, which is one of the few reasons that I wanted to make sure that I had the best for my needs. Especially as it will be my only vape. I have not heard of the firewood so I will have a look at that as well. Also, I might end up getting an one at first and then another one later as a backup unit of some kind, but that is in the near future, so not quite yet. It's extremely frustrating being without a vape though, as the high from smoking really kills my energy to the extent that I fall asleep after two joints, lol.
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clouded vision

Well-Known Member
the solo is a breeze to clean, only the glass stems get dirty, nothing else really does. you might need to wipe down the ss with a q-tip dipped in iso twice a year.

Stealth wasn't in your original list of requirements, this is the one place that the solo is lacking over other portables. Out in public you can easily drop it in a cup and you are good to go but I don't know about using it in a club. that being said, the only portable I would consider trying to use in a club would be an oil pen. If you are looking for stealth, the MFLB and the pax both seem to be the preferred unit strictly for stealth but both have some drawbacks that prevent most from wanting either one as their alone vape


Well-Known Member
It's not necessarily the stealth factor but the size (my apologies for editing my post and not mentioning it),, and an oil pen is no option due to the legal unavailability of oils. I just see myself having a hard time dancing and what not with the solo in my pocket (also, the glass stem might break easily that way). And yes I did add the portability later, should I make it bold or underlined or anything for clarity? Sounds like the solo is just as easy to clean as the ascent, probably easier as you can't remove the Ascent's bowl. If there is anyone who has owned both of these it would be awesome if someone could link me to a comparison or list the pros and cons when used back to back. Or any kind of comparison that favours one over the other with the reason why would be great.
Clouded vision thank you for your help and your incredibly quick reactions to my posts!
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Well-Known Member
I've got to chime in and agree that the Solo is a fantastic vape, especially paired with the Pinnacle HT (together they are my daily driver). I have told more than one person that my Solo is the best mj-related purchase I've ever made.

Full disclosure: I do have an Ascent pre-ordered, but that's because I specifically want something for on-the-go and not because the Solo isn't completely awesome. I will be very surprised if the Ascent truly replaces my Solo, especially with the Pinnacle WT. However, the Ascent will be much easier to use outdoors, and out of the house, so that's why I want it, too.

If you can go with both, do. :) If not, I agree, don't dismiss the Solo due to aesthetics. It may not look like much, but hitting it with the Pinnacle HT and a PVHES GonG is pretty amazing. You wouldn't be disappointed. I have no idea how the Ascent will compare yet.


Well-Known Member
I will also take recommendations for alternatives to the hydro tube (I looked at the infamous vaporbrothers knockoff for example), but it does look like it might be ideal for travel as long as I can get some stoppers of some kind to stop the water from coming out. I'm also a tech geek so I do like to have ew "toys". I am seriously in doubt now between the Solo and the Ascent now though. It appears that the main difference for what I am looking for is: The Ascent will please my all-glass OCD like behaviour, easily pocketable and it will satisfy the geek in me, however the solo has been reliably proven to be good and relatively cheap. Never easy is i?
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Well-Known Member
Also, you could buy a Solo today and have it this week. Who knows when you will have an Ascent in-hand? I guess it comes down to: are you more patient than I would be in your situation? :lol:
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For what it's worth the Solo has a long,proven track record,just a quick glance at it's thread will show that. One the other hand DaVinci is a company that makes great vapes also.
It's a tough choice,no doubt about that,so do what you know you're going to do eventually,get them both!
It was the Greek philosopher Socrates that said it best,"One cannot have to many vaporizers,but one can have to little pot".
On second thought it may have been my dealer who said that,but the point is the same.:)
Happy hunting!


I would get a good desktop unit. miniVAP, SSV or LSV come to mind.

The Solo is good but it's not a heavy hitter, which i think is more up your alley.

Then you get either the solo or ascent when it comes out for a portable.
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floatin' with the clouds
I would get a good desktop unit. miniVAP, SSV or LSV come to mind.

The Solo is good but it's not a heavy hitter, which i think is more up your alley.

Then you get either the solo or ascent when it comes out for a portable.

lolwut? Have you put that baby on seven with a nicely chopped bowl? Milk for days!


Well-Known Member
The Solo is good but it's not a heavy hitter, which i think is more up your alley.

Granted, I've not used some of the heavier hitting desktops, but to say that the Solo isn't a heavy hitter is sort of crazy. For a portable, it's a very heavy hitter. The OP wants a powerful portable that he can also use at home. The Solo fits that bill perfectly.


Well-Known Member
As many have said, the Solo is an excellent option and you can't beat the value.

I'd say under your whole criteria, the INH XP would fit it to the T. If you browse the XP thread, you'll notice a lot of owners of both the Solo + INH XP prefer the XP. The major problem with the INH XP is that there has been issues from it's release and they're finally getting it sorted out now. I personally had to send a unit back, but living in Canada the downtime was only about 2-3 weeks before I got a replacement. The Ascent looks like an amazing vape, but it isn't even officially released yet, and apparently some retailers are sold out from pre-orders until mid September.

The Solo will give you a tried and true vape, but isn't the type of portable that you can pocket or bring to bars. The XP is a better vape IMO, but it's also about $60-100 more and is still working out it's clinks.

If you want me to expand on the XP, feel free to ask.
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lolwut? Have you put that baby on seven with a nicely chopped bowl? Milk for days!

It's NOT a heavy hitter... that is not the same thing as saying that won't give you big clouds.

And yeah, i've done that. Have you done the same with something that can hold more than 0,15g? THAT is a heavy hitter.

DBA, i would wait a while longer before getting a Solo and invest in another good home unit and a less expensive portable.

I have been using my genie and my vaponic when outside usually. The Solo has been on the shelf, and i use my HI at home everyday.

If you could afford only one vaporizer for a long time, then get the Solo as it's the best all-around vaporizer IMO.
If you're willing to go more "portable" than "concealable" the FlashVape has a lot going for it. It holds a LOT of weed,(less reloading,longer sessions) hits hard and fast,(I like knowing I'm never more than 10 seconds away from a nice milky hit) and with the V2 upgrade kit it comes in at less 200 bones. It's a lot of Vape for the price point. Oh yeah,there's even a small but useful water-pipe-bong-whip thing for around 20$,I've never used or even seen that attachment I have heard good things. But it's not really concealable unless you're going for a John Holmes look.:lol:
It is very portable though. Toss it in a fanny pack or glove box and you're all set,but unless you want people to think you're whispering to a flashlight it's best to find a little cover to hit it. The wife and I hammered down two BIG bowls at an outdoor concert last month and nobody said anything about it. Maybe the fact that we were both naked had something to do with that but it's hard to tell. Seriously though,it is a good Vape. Team that up with a MFLB and you'll have a great set up. While you're at it might as well add a nice HA 2.2 for desk top use and you'll have ALL bases covered for around $500 delivered. I know that seems a bit spendy,but for that price you get 3 very well built and very well performing units. You won't need another Vape for years,saving money for what really matters,good bud! :tup:
Just my two cents worth,hope it helps!
(And as long as I'm tapping on this here iPad nobody yells at me to take out the garbage).
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