Looking for a good quality vape


Well-Known Member
So i'm going away to school soon an the apartment I'm in has smoke alarms that can't be tampered with and I will have room mates as well as the smoke probably isn't to good for my cardio as I train brazilian jujitsu. So I'm looking to buy a good vape but haven't had much luck in finding one right for me so I figured I'd state a few things I'm looking for and see if anyone can point me in the right direction or make a good suggestion.

I'm looking for something that is good quality and won't fall apart.
Something $200 or less.
Quick heat up time.
effective, in that i can burn less herb but still get a better effect than smoke would give.

I may be missing something else but i'll update this as they come back to me. basically just a quality vape with a now warm u time that isn't garbage. thanks for the future suggestions and happy toking.



I'm El Diablo Baby!!!
You're going to school, which makes me think you're gonna have multiple heads. The Launch Box is great for solo use but for ,200 I would recommend a Da Buddha Vape if you plan on sharing. If you can spend a tad more cash, an extreme would be a great choice.


Well-Known Member
Vicki said:
I think you would like the Magic Flight Launch Box, and it's portable too. Let me link you to a thread with tons of info about it.

Yeah I'm also going to say the MFLB.

It's great for portability, cheaper than the portable iolite and better designed, and it's great for solo use and for use with other people.

I've used the MFLB and it uses a tiny amount of herb and I've vaped less than a full trench just a dusting and stayed high all night.


I'm El Diablo Baby!!!
Have you guys used anything other than the launch box though? This dude is going to college, the launch box is not a good college vape if you're social. Each person needs their own battery and it takes a group of three like 25 minutes just to get high. I love y launch box but whenever I have used it with more than one other person people sometimes think it's nifty and can tell it has potential but no one is getting high off it and anyone who's trying to just ends up disappointed. If you want a vape for lectures and bathroom breaks though, launch box all the way.


Combustion Fucker
yeah, i love the launch box, but i don't bother using it in groups or at home. I actually don't even like the Buddha that much for > 3 people, it can be tricky repositioning it, can't really pass the Buddha around easily (or most of the plug in vapes)

A little more info could narrow things down, but I'd tentatively recommend the buddha as a well-liked whip vape or PD / MZ (these more if leaning towards efficiency / stealthiness / 1-2 people)


A Legend in my Own Mind
The quick heat up time requirement rules out log vapes, unless you are okay leaving it on 24/7 in a drawer or somewhere you can hide it if needed, these vapes were designed to be left on 24/7 for instant on demand vaping.

IMO get the Woodeez in the pilsner glass shape and you'll have enough money left over for a nice coffee grinder for your herbs and it will ship this millennium.


Combustion Fucker
true, i haven't turned off the MZ since i got it. I think they're cool to leave out all the time, but if it actually gets stowed away the heat up is not fast for them.


Well-Known Member
I'm looking for one that I can use for me and maybe 2 other people, but it will prob by myself 75% of the time. I don't mind plugs either, i think i'd prefer it. the idea of having to use batteries turns me off big time.


Out to lunch
If I were you, considering your preferences, I'd get the DBV. You can get one under $200, especially if you take advantage of FC member discounts. As for not so good for passing around, you're not gonna find the perfect vape for under 2 bills. Make the users come to the vape. Put a mousepad or something underneath for accidental wand dropping, and educate your buds on how to use it without blowback, combustion, or breakage. Otherwise, the best 'party vape' is a bag filler. If you're buying mainly for yourself, I'd avoid diluted vapor from a bag and get a good hitter. Make others adjust to your vape or let 'em smoke. ;)


max said:
If I were you, considering your preferences, I'd get the DBV.
as would i

sounds like its perfect for you

just be sure to keep extra glass parts so you wont be w/out the vape for any period of time if anything where break.

ive been watching the front door all day in anticipation of my replacement heater cover... HURRY UP BROWN!


Well-Known Member
my good friend suggested an easy vape v2. been looking around and they seem pretty good but I can't seem to find a place online that will let me use a money order instead of a credit card


Combustion Fucker
yeah for that style vape, the buddha has a lot stronger rep here.

I can't talk about that one in particular but i like the buddha best out of 3 different whip style that i've tried. One mechanical difference is just that the wand isn't tilted down towards the heater making it easy to burn herbs by dropping them on the heater.

It could be fine, but with it only ~$20 less i'd go with the one with a much stronger rep. supposedly 7th floor has a unit that has been running for years, made of aluminum instead of wood, no vapor goes past electrical wiring,... I'd be more inclined to get another different kind of vape than a different whip vape. (Actually, I'd go hot box for $150 over easy vape).

my buddy got a cheaper whip vape and i don't think it cuts it, maybe easy vape really is good?

actually puffitup.com with FC-1 coupon could is like 160, are you looking at the $150 easy vape? or the even cheaper one that i think is supposedly a knockoff of the $150 one?


rabblerouser said:
One mechanical difference is just that the wand isn't tilted down towards the heater making it easy to burn herbs by dropping them on the heater.
ive found this not to be much of a problem. the marble pick that came with mine is the perfect tool for tapping the herbs a tad to keep them in place. works great.

people blowing or coughing into the whip is another story...
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