Yes! a recessed joint!
I am looking for one of these also.
A recessed joint with some kind of perc has always been a dream of mine , or a stemline would be nice!
Whos got experience in these kind of pieces?
GSH recently purchased the 8" Circ UFO Showerhead from JhanPixel(RedGlassallery) and he seems very pleased with it, he even made a video of him using it with his Solo.
As you can see it's got the recessed/dewar joint you say you're fond of and it seems to stack nicely. It costs $122 including US shipping, GSH lives in the UK so if you live elsewhere you'll be happy to know that Jhan clearly offers international shipping but you'll have to contact him to find out how much it will cost.
the bowl they show in that piece on the site is pretty interesting.. would be a cool one if it worked nice w/ a log.. i cant exactly tell how it is in there.. i wish there was a better picThis one is pretty sweet: