Long time Vape User - Looking to 'upgrade' - Help!

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Well-Known Member
Wow, after vaporizing for over 5 years, I cannot believe I have not yet found this amazing site till today!

Essentially I am looking for a bit of an upgrade.

I am currently using a Steinel Heat Gun and Glass bong (Vrip setup) minus their bowl - luckily my bowl fits with the steinel tip.

I am curious as to what you folks would suggest...I have tried the Volcano, but the price is a joke.

I read this thread about the Vrip Wand of some sort, but have no clue where to buy it...

Suggestions and guidance are much appreciated!


modnote: Thread moved. Question threads belong in the Ask FC forum.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the reply.

The buying guide doesnt include this one, so wasnt sure if I should go according to that.

Question is, with all the latest and gratest vapes on the market these days, which do the vast majority prefer?


Combustion free since '09
It really depends on your needs,wants... home, portable...bag,whip, etc. oh and budget :)

A lot of us have our vapes in our sigs too so you can see what the we're using. It really is overwhelming but worth the time to find what fits your needs.

The VRip would be similar to what you're used to I gather and you could use your existing glass. I don't have one so I can't comment further. My PD (Purple Days) is my main squeeze!


Well-Known Member
Check out the videos in my sig. it might help you get a gage on the type of vaporizer your looking for.

Being that your using the steinel heat gun and since your using a bong I would recommend looking into the wand vapes but you can pretty much any vaporizer with a bong but the Vrip and Herborizer is made specifically for bongs.

The only way to find the best vaporizer is find the one that fits your situation and needs. It is common to get excited by seeing all the bells and whistles on some vapes but I caution to decide what type of vape you want and need and select based on that rather an on impulse.

Once you narrow down your search we can probably help you better.
Happy Vaping!


War Criminal
If I were you I'd get the Silver Surfer(SSV) or a Myrtle Zap style vape(MZ. Go for any brand of the 3 that are available...although I only own one, the major difference seems to be the brand name, and how long it takes to get it). They are easy to use, versatile, and very well constructed. I haven't used one, but the VRIP is very highly regarded, however it's delicate, and the only reason I haven't gotten one yet is that I am certain I'll break it. And, I imagine there isn't a drastic difference between the VRIP and using my SSV with my bong. I stick the wand right in the downstem, using a small piece of the whip tubing as a gasket. Rather than leave the SSV on the table like when I use it in whip mode, I pick it up and treat it like a lighter, and bring it to the bowl(wand). Anyone who owns both care the comment?

The Extreme or Extreme Q is another formidable addition.

The Magic Flight Launch Box is fucking awesome. Check it out.

The Silver Surfer gives the biggest hits I've had off any vape. If you want to get rocked off of one monster rip, it's the way to go.

If you want to conserve your bud, or at least measure your doses fairly consistently, get the Myrtle Zap/Purple Days/Woodeez. Also, if you like simple, they are the easiest vape. They stay on 24/7, the temp is consistent and pre-set, all you have to do is load it and hit it. Only drawback is a long warmup time. 30-60 minutes.

Just some random thoughts for ya. You will be able to tell which vapes are well respected here among we combustion fuckers, get any one of them and you will be happy. You will also become addicted to collecting vapes. You've been warned. And welcome.

What's your price range? The vapes I mentioned range from $150 to 300.

As far as where to buy it, the internet seems to be the best bet. I've bought vapes from brick and mortar stores, and off the net. I like the net better, prices tend to be better, and often times you are dealing directly witht the manufacturer. Many manufactururs actually participate here, which is awesome. Magic Flight, Purple Days/MyrtleZap/Woodeez, Zephyr, and the Bud Toaster(in for one when the time comes for sure!!!!!!) all come to mind, I'm sure there's others.


If you want to have all of your important bases covered, check out the vapes in my sig. Also consider the Vriptech Heat Wand (or alternatively, a Hakko wand + SSV heater cover).


War Criminal
I like the subtle implication that bags are not an important base :p

They are novel, but not essential.

Aero, I'm glad you reminded me. The Vapor Genie is also an excellent buy.


Vapor Fan
I also agree about the bag vapes. While they are fun I think they are most useful if you generally do not vape alone. I consider the difference between a bag and a direct draw/whip is sort of the difference between drinking a cup of cappuccino(direct draw/whip) vs drinking shot of espresso(bag). Both have the same amount of active ingredient but with the dd/whip you take your time and IMO the build up is slower and lasts a bit longer. With the bag you get everything pretty much all at once.

so yea, it depends on your budget and specific needs. Shopping around can be daunting but it is the best way to go to make sure you get something to meet your specific needs.
Happy Hunting

*edit*I think the first Vape I saw was exactly like the one you describe currently owning. I saw it at the Sands Casino(I think it was the Sands hehe) in either 1999 or 2000 @ a high times party. The guy brought it in packed in a metal suitcase that had a big sticker on the side that said "Lighters Suck". Funny that I remember anything from that party. I remember after we left and walking past the pool looking up at the penthouse balcony where the HT party was being held and it looked like the place was on fire because so much smoke was rolling out.


Well-Known Member
Hey All,

Thanks for all the responses - definetly helps!

My price range is below $400.

There is no one style of vape that I prefer, but i do like the glass hook-up, as my buddy has a vaporizer without a bong (its made in Canada, comes with a remote, both bag and whip, forget the name) and its much drier hits, not a fan.

I find I can get some killer hits with my setup - but what appeals to me is gettin rid of all the metal and going to a pure glass setup.

So big hits are key, water filtered, etc.

Thanks for the advice - keep it coming, I will start looking at the videos suggested


Hanibal Lectin

Well-Known Member
SSV and a nice bong or VHW and nice bong .....cant go wrong...VHW is a little more connoisseur as far as taste
Hanibal Lectin,


War Criminal
JJDubz said:
There is no one style of vape that I prefer, but i do like the glass hook-up, as my buddy has a vaporizer without a bong (its made in Canada, comes with a remote, both bag and whip, forget the name) and its much drier hits, not a fan.
sounds like the extreme, which you can connect to a bong if you want.
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