Log-Style Europe

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after having the chance to use a friend's vaporizer a few times, I want to get one too. I have done some research (this forum helped a lot!) and now I have a question. I would really appreciate the help!

I want to get an efficient vape (in terms of the amount of material needed for the desired effect), without sacrifices at the vapor quality.
So I learned that I should get a "log-style" unit, preferably connected to a bong. Everybody praises Purple Days but it's not manufactured anymore. There are others, but so far I didn't find one sold in an european shop, that fits my german power outlet. Can you help me out?
I only found the "Herborizer" but as far as i can judge the only similarity to the above mentioned is the connection to a bong. Has a pretty big chamber, doesnt appear efficient.
Also, one of the advantages of a vape, I've been told, is the controlability. Temperature set at a lower value, gives you a more euphoric effect, at high everything is extracted, also the CBD, good if I'm alone and have a hard time falling asleep for example.
So it also would be nice to have tmeperature dial.

I hope I'm not asking too much...thank you in advance!


Well-Known Member
Hello Dampfer101, and welcome to FC

I am also located in europe, and I had no problems getting myself an ENano. It's a wonderful device, I highly recommend it.
You just need a 220V to 110V power converter, you can find good ones for less than 20 euros.
The ENano has a temp dial, so you have all bases covered.
I use mine all the time, my friends and me love it. It's the vape I usa almost exclusively ever since I got it.

Get yourself a nice waterpiece and you will not look any further.

I have a Wychwood too, but they are hard to find these days and require a variable power supply if you want to change temps. Once you have that, it's awesome.

Dave from Underdog refuses to send his logs over the pond, unfortunately, so I can't comment on those.

You can also put yourself on the waiting list for a HI. I did that as well, but you can expect at least 6 months waiting, and you'd need a variable power supply too, if you want to change the temps.
The HI should be a solid contender too, I can't wait to get mine. I'm very excited about it, Alan seems a great guy, and the units look soooo nice. But in the meantime, the ENano is the way to go IMO.

I hope this helps. I was in a similar situation like you, one year ago. Glad I found this place. If you have more questions, feel free to hit me up.




New Member
Thank you very much Daf!
That E-Nano looks interesting for sure. Since I really want a temp. dial, the other two aren't of interest to me.
Too bad, that there are apparently no european 220V models, shipped inside the EU (why?? arent the nederlands located here?)
Also I have a problem figuring out if the price fits the product. I mean 200$ for a high quality unit is okay but the technique seems really basic: A wooden casing + heating element + temperature dial + glass stem. No fans, no display...
My other alternative would be the Arizer Solo (availible in a store 5mins away from me). But efficiency is the important factor for me, since the material I'm using is pretty rare...
Until yesterday I thought log-vapes get more out of the material but then I red a few post in this thread:
That contrasts with the opinion in others forums. So many units, so many opinions! Maybe I should just make one myself with a lightbulb and a lighter ;)


Well-Known Member
I hear you, but please consider those are hand made units, no mass production like the Solo or other vapes. This might justify the higher price a bit.

But of course you are right, the material costs of such units are very low. But when you consider the time put into one single unit, it is far from a rip-off if you ask me. I doubt anybody will get rich by doing logs.

The Solo is nice, for sure, but at home I prefer my logs any day. The biggest downside for me is the restricted airflow of the Solo. I never liked that very much. The free flowing units are what I want and love. But for others it might be the opposite. You just have to try them to see what you like best. Start with a lightbulp if you want to, I think many vapor enthusiasts started that way. It works, but you will soon realize the benefits of a controlled electic unit.

If you're a crafty guy, builing your own log is not too hard either. Check this forum for ideas. Or save yourself the time and trouble and order one of the logs that are available to us at the moment (A variable power supply is no big deal either, to tell you the truth)

I hear you about the poor availability to us EU customers. Its sad, but what can you do? Lets just hope that they change the regulations and we can start catching up with the yankees. They are lightyears ahead, with concentrates, glassware, dabbing and all that. And also consider how huge their market is. No surprise some manufacturers are not even interested in the EU market (forget about the NL market, it's just too small, it's almost irrelevant from a US marketing standpoint (plus, EU regulations for electric devices does not make it easier for them either)

If I were in your shoes, I would try to get a chance to try a Solo once. And when you like it, go and buy one. And maybe invest in a log later on. A Solo is a nice thing to have. It's jsut that I personally prefer my logs.



All log vapes use 12VDC, which means you can buy the unit and you buy a power source in Germany.

They are easy to find in any electronic store, you might even have one at home from some other device.

All you need is to find a 12VDC power supply with a 2.1mm male connector.

As for logs, you can get an Underdog or a Heat Island. The UD is a bit pricier but it usually has different designs, the Heat Island has a waiting list atm and runs a little hotter than the UD which i prefer.

If you don't want to wait, get the UD.

The Solo is like a log, although not as efficient and not as tasty, but pretty close on both accounts. It is portable which can be an advantage if you vape a lot outside the house but it is not stealthy so, it is not easy to walk around with it at plain sight. It is more of a home portable.

Another one that is interesting for your needs but is not battery powered but uses a torch lighter is the Lotus Vaporizer, available at verdampftnochmal.
when combusting, did you use joints or a bong?

if joints i would recommend the solo, if you were/are a bong smoker i'd go for a log ;)

the solo is a great starting point, very solid allround unit without learning curve, kind of an industry standard against which all other portable vapes are measured...


Really? I did not know that.. too bad. :/ Well, one less vape to consider buying.

Then, either the Vapolution or the Solo. If you're not afraid of mastering the technique, consider the Vaponic as a portable although it is not the stealthiest, it works great and tastes great as well.

And the Lotus.

All four are efficient, flavourfull and relatively cheap. Under 150€. (The Solo less so, but you can find it for 160USD+shipping. )


New Member
Hey guys,
I think I made my mind up and get the Solo.
It's just more convenient. I also love the technical aspect to it, since it both uses convection and conduction. I don't think the restricted airflow is an issue for me. Also it adds to the quallity of the vapor , I think, because the air slowly flows through the heating chamber.
I will buy it in a shop where they also sell custom mouth-pieces. I want one without holes in it, just a...you know, a slightly narrow part where you can put a screen in it. That way I have a bit more airflow, while being able to grind up the stuff fine and not sucking it in my lungs. More surface, more efficiency, right?

@Dafni: Regardless of the above, I agree on the hand-made argument. But it appears to be more like a "connoisseur" unit and after watching/reading reviews, I don't think it fits me very much. At first, I only thought about the efficiency part
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