I have an awesome Ed-Log that’s been carrying the evening weight since acquiring his new monster one-hit tip. I plan to add another log to the mess of goods and ask for advice on a model that will perform as well or better?
You might want to check out the log thread:
MUSA, CouchLog, HeatIsland GTR, EpiKai EnanoXL, WoodScents, UnderDOG AlphaPLUS, and even the MiniVAP is pretty much a log type. One of each? Any thoughts are welcome!
I really like my WS after I got the new simrell tip like you did. I wasn't really connecting with it before that.
The most similar log to the WS is probably the Heat Island with the 7/16 heater. Although it has far more open draw. Still really nice and basically my favorite "classic" log.
The UD Alpha has a bit more power and can be really fun, but is not a 1-hitter for me.
My favorite log is the CouchLog. It's fantastic as a direct-draw log but really shines as an injector. Great flavor, super flexible, and easy to run. It's as powerful as my baller vapes but in a nice little package. And it delivers better at the low temps than my FP.
My CC Zenith is still being built but I am excited about that. My number has not come up to even order my GTR, but that's another next generation log you might consider.
Have fun!