Linx Saber


Well-Known Member
Glass air path
Interesting heating element

I wish they add 14,5 glass as well, but overall looks like interesting product to me.


Bit weird that the heating element contacts the weed. Do wonder how evenly it will roast.


Well-Known Member
uneven cook, a modified dab stab coil heater cooks inside out but never cooks outside edge before it tastes like popcorn.
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I have had terrible experience with Linx, first the Gaia vaporizer died a few weeks into use, second product i tried was a wax pen that worked ok, then upgraded to their new and bigger blaze waxpen that would burn the concentrate without giving decent vapor, even after getting a replacement tip.... Not recommended


My Gaia lasted a fair while and was reasonable for that type of vape, but yeah they're nothing special and there are so many better options now.


Well-Known Member
They are different options, but if somebody on the budget and looks for glass air path I only see Arizer se with micro usb or modern saber


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Accessory Maker
Air path refers to the entire path the air takes from entering the device to exiting the device. Vapor path refers to the path the vapor takes from the oven to exiting the device. The oven is considered part of the air and vapor path. Because the vapor can often flow the opposite direction with slight back pressure, the air path before the oven can become the vapor path.

I like the price and presentation on this one, though. Tabletopbong reviewed it well, and thought having spare heaters was excellent. For me, I see that the airpath is cleanable and maintainable, by accessing the heater and intake area. I bet you could flush the heater out with iso and water and burn off to sanitize. That's huge.

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Well-Known Member
IMO the Arizer Air SE is a superior vape for only a few dollars more.
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