Limpuro Orange


Well-Known Member
Anybody know this?

Does it work? And what about the environment? Any clues?

I might get a spray just to see how it works, but is always nicer to hears others experiences with it...

It is supposed to be a 100% biodegradable cleaning product for sishas
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FWIW..Are you just vaping thru your piece? I ask only because I have noticed, if 1.) its just vapor and not a combust.piece and 2.) do you change fluid EOD? if so I have yet to have anything cloud up or booger up the clarity of my glass that simple green or a citrus based cleaner or DAWN dish washing soap couldnt handle.You can buy Simple Green and some good Citrus Oil EPA friendly cleaners @ Home Depot or Lowes.

Honestly brother, lately Dawn dish washing detergent and the hottest tap water your faucet can produce and my pieces stay sparkly. Most WT dont use much fluid and w/NACE in the mix,the rigs just dont get nasty like combust.rigs do..I dont know the price of the product, but the simple green (supposedly EPA approved with no environmental impact) is 8 bucks a gallon and its concentrated, the stuff goes a long way.I ALWAYS use distilled water to keep mineral scale to non existence,with that simple protocol my pieces always are SO FRESH AND SO CLEAN.:2c:

If you occasionally burn,then get you an inline carbon filter, just bought one and posted its results, which are great. If your with company that enjoys the combustion route, they really do make a difference on the poisons being reduced and keep the rig really clean.I bought one on I-offer for 14 bucks to the door, and it does make burning 10x better IMO, but not going back to that scene full time,but as i mentioned it does help out tremendously for when the occasions arise!:cheers:


Well-Known Member
I do not burn, but sometimes when using oils the inside can get these nasty reclaim spots and those sometimes are hard to remove...

thx for the tips, but most of the prodcuts you mention will be hard to find here in europe...


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here is a link to ebay/UK ..............the active ingredient in any citrus cleaner is d-limone.Good stuff, very concentrated, a little goes a long way and this stuff your gonna wanna drink,its smells delicious but keep away from kids,they have a tendency to think its orange yummy of sorts and will make them sick,BUT totally safe for environment,and for the price of a small bottle, it will last you forever! best I could do for a brother on the other side of the big blue will be able to keep your rigs spotless for years to come,with a small purchase of it. great all around cleaner as well I also have read here that one has used it for making concentrates and swears by it being that it isnt poison like butane or any other solvent used........hope this helps:cheers:


Found this, wanted to make sure di-limonene is water soluble and it is here is vendor from UK ships free and the ratio is 50 to 1 .pretty strong stuff,you can adjust the solution to meet your needs, but as I thought a pint or ltr. would go a long way, especially in a spay application

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Well-Known Member
So, I dug out this very old thread...

Recently I've bought the "LimPuro Organic Cleaner Concentrate" for my glass pieces for the first time. I didn't really needed it, I was always happy how easily I can clean them with 99% isopropyl alcohol. I just put it in my shopping basket to reach the amount for free shipping and also was curios to try something that is organic and 100 % biodegradable. Anyway, here I am and I just don't know what to say because it doesn't work at all. Zero. It is incredible how it doesn't work at all. It is advertised with the words "LimPuro® cleans by itself, no scrubbing, no work". But it does nothing. Absolutely nothing. I couldn't believe it. So I tried again. Different techniques. And weeks later again. It does not clean better than clear hot water. And somehow it makes me angry that I bought an expensive dish washer concentrate, that may be ok for my plates but not for my vaping pieces.

Why am I posting this? Please proof me wrong, tell me that I just got a "bad bottle" of that cleaner or that I am somehow to stupid to use it. If – on the other side – someone seconds my experience I'd simply like to tell people not to buy this product and stick with alcohol for cleaning.


Well-Known Member
I had similar results with Professor Amos Shock it Clean, which I think falls in the same category
And went back to denture cleaning tabs and oxy clean
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Well-Known Member
So, I dug out this very old thread...

Recently I've bought the "LimPuro Organic Cleaner Concentrate" for my glass pieces for the first time. I didn't really needed it, I was always happy how easily I can clean them with 99% isopropyl alcohol. I just put it in my shopping basket to reach the amount for free shipping and also was curios to try something that is organic and 100 % biodegradable. Anyway, here I am and I just don't know what to say because it doesn't work at all. Zero. It is incredible how it doesn't work at all. It is advertised with the words "LimPuro® cleans by itself, no scrubbing, no work". But it does nothing. Absolutely nothing. I couldn't believe it. So I tried again. Different techniques. And weeks later again. It does not clean better than clear hot water. And somehow it makes me angry that I bought an expensive dish washer concentrate, that may be ok for my plates but not for my vaping pieces.

Why am I posting this? Please proof me wrong, tell me that I just got a "bad bottle" of that cleaner or that I am somehow to stupid to use it. If – on the other side – someone seconds my experience I'd simply like to tell people not to buy this product and stick with alcohol for cleaning.
If you mix this with ISO it will probably work really well. Used alone it has the enzymes working for you but it isn't, by itself, a solvent. It likely needs the solvent to help pick up the waxy deposits. A little detergent would also help. I ran low on ISO for a recent cleaning and found that Dawn Powerwash works fairly well. Powerwash is just regular Dawn dish soap (safe for use on animals) with some ISO added to it. It's the combo that gets the job done.
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Thanks @Hippie and @badbee for your remarks. I don't think the products you mentioned are available where I live. But good that you mention it, so others can learn about it. The thing is, this Limpuro product is explicitly for cleaning bongs. That's the purpose. I thought the whole idea behind this product is to be good for getting out all the nasty stuff without any additional solvents, without any mechanical cleaning, without any fuss. Indeed the manual states: "For heavily soiled hookahs, use a limescale remover such as citric acid for thorough cleaning." I overlooked this info because my bongs aren't heavily soiled. I clean them every day.
Anyhow, I'm willing to learn. So over night I've tried @badbee 's advice to put some iso into the mix. The result was not better than with pure iso. I started with iso, than mixed it with hot water and the Limpuro. I think the iso just gets too diluted in the mix and I don't want to put more in it than I would with a normal iso-only cleaning (because what's the point then?). Also, with iso-only I can reuse the iso, which seems difficult with the Limpuro-iso-mix.
I will keep trying a combination with limescale removers like citric acid next week. I'll give an update.

Atom Flower

solvents are for removing oil / tar. limescale remover just removes limescale, which is the whitish dry residue from tap water, that clouds the inside of your glass and that no solvent will remove.

The question here is how can Limpuro Orange still be around after 11 years.. :hmm:

I just use pure acetone to remove oils easier than iso.... and, separately, a few drops of hydrochloric acid in water left in the bong overnight to remove limescale. Acetone eats into some plastics though, so watch out.
Atom Flower,


Well-Known Member
Thanks @Hippie and @badbee for your remarks. I don't think the products you mentioned are available where I live. But good that you mention it, so others can learn about it. The thing is, this Limpuro product is explicitly for cleaning bongs. That's the purpose. I thought the whole idea behind this product is to be good for getting out all the nasty stuff without any additional solvents, without any mechanical cleaning, without any fuss. Indeed the manual states: "For heavily soiled hookahs, use a limescale remover such as citric acid for thorough cleaning." I overlooked this info because my bongs aren't heavily soiled. I clean them every day.
Anyhow, I'm willing to learn. So over night I've tried @badbee 's advice to put some iso into the mix. The result was not better than with pure iso. I started with iso, than mixed it with hot water and the Limpuro. I think the iso just gets too diluted in the mix and I don't want to put more in it than I would with a normal iso-only cleaning (because what's the point then?). Also, with iso-only I can reuse the iso, which seems difficult with the Limpuro-iso-mix.
I will keep trying a combination with limescale removers like citric acid next week. I'll give an update.
I would skip the water, or use very little. But maybe this just doesn't really work.


Well-Known Member
solvents are for removing oil / tar. limescale remover just removes limescale, which is the whitish dry residue from tap water, that clouds the inside of your glass and that no solvent will remove.

The question here is how can Limpuro Orange still be around after 11 years.. :hmm:

I just use pure acetone to remove oils easier than iso.... and, separately, a few drops of hydrochloric acid in water left in the bong overnight to remove limescale. Acetone eats into some plastics though, so watch out.
It is not called LimPuro Orange but Organic Cleaner Concentrate. Close enough to reuse the old thread.
BTW: this is the exact product I'm talking about:
The tip to use the acid before the concentrate is just on the website, not on the bottle.

Dude, I tried this product because it is organic, biodegradable and harmless. I use acetone only to clean the wooden mouthpiece of my Vapman. It is great how good it works. BUT: it is toxic. I don't want toxic stuff. You have to be quite careful handling it. What do you do with your used acetone? It is hazardous waste. I have to keep it in a closed jar, away from kids and bring it to the recycling center. Unnecessary work IMO and unnecessary environmental burden even then. And HCl isn't what I want either. What I was looking for, was something less harmful than iso, not more. Something as harmless as vaping goo. I use at least some of my mouthpieces to drink hot fatty cocoa and put them in the dish washer afterwards. That works fine, all the fine cannabinoid-rich goo is in my belly and no harm for the environment at all (well, if you don't think to long about the cocoa, and drink only plant-based milk :shrug:).


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Here are my final words on the Limpuro Cleaning Concentrate after 2 weeks of (not very intense) testing.

It is not useless (as I was afraid). It is a good product. It is not necessary but nice to have. I will probably buy it again someday because it can make glass super shiny. Sadly, does not get rid of the typical vaping residuals, as advertised. I had to add (a weak household) acid to get any results. It didn't replace my iso-alc. routine, but it expanded it.

Here's how I used it with my bongs and glass pieces:
1) Wash out pipe with (warm) water. Empty it completely.
2) Salt + 99% Iso-Alcohol. Shake and wait. Repeat. Pour out in a container and keep it. Reusable for weeks.
3) A little bit of (warm) water + little bit of citro-acid (e.g.). Shake. Give it a minute.
4) Add 5-10 ml of Limpuro Concentrate and fill your piece with (warm) water. Shake it for the bubbles. Wait 15 minutes (or overnight).
5) Pour out the mixture. It is reusable for 3 to 4 days, I guess. Rinse your glass piece and dry it.
6) Enjoy that your glass looks better than new.

I did this every night before going to bed. So my glassware was never really dirty to begin with. I kind of try to work this into my daily routines like brushing my teeth or washing the dishes. Normally using iso-alc. is good enough for me. But it is not much work to integrate Limpuro into my routine when I just reuse the (old and cold) mixture from the day before.

I figured out, that our eco dish-washing powder (brand name is "Klar") also does a good finishing job, i.e. making the glass shiny, but Limpuro is a better.
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