20 going on 60
Love the safety switch, no chance you could accidentally initiate the launch sequence

I had to make a typing stick for a paralyzed gentleman a long time ago and he found it easier to use if it was angled.
May help you out instead of being g directly above it.
Unless you pick up up by the board itself.
Now we just need a video!, nice build here !!! Could you share some more photos of your device ? Thermocouple intégration, PID design…
Is the light/warming-élement PID controlled ?
does it blink or do you regulate it with a dimmer ?
I'm about to create same bullet-proof device for extended outdoor sessions with friends… anybody must be abble to operate successfully the device without being able to break small parts and glass parts…
I'll watch carefully how you go throught your project, thanks again for sharing![]()
Thanks. I’ll put up a parts list once I’m done testing everything.I really like this project and it came together so quickly! Will you ever post a breakdown of assembly and parts list for those that might need more splainin'? I love your budget and expectations, I would just need to alter for 220V.
It reminds me of the MUSE vape that I saw here on FC, they both have a Magic Lantern vibe but I am sure they have their differences in design/construction. Well done, @Boden really impressive!
it really looks interesting probs for the whole thing. is it hard to handle with tempreture controll?
Glad you came to that conclusion so I don't even have to mention the potential issue with lead content (unless you are using that special marine grade... but apart from that nearly all brass has some lead to ease machining)
@Boden any planned testing with concentrates? If this works as good or better than my E-Nano for convection dabs in hemp fiber you have my full attention! But seeing what it does to herb I don't see why it wouldn't be awesome for dabbing!? Nice work so far!