yeah patterns are not necessary, just more variation in color, but then I won't trouble you too much about it now since I am not trying to place an order. I was just curious what the limitations of color variation there are, just did a poor job explaining it the first time.
I would think tie dye would be harder then rainbow cause at least that is uniform.
well, if funds improve enough, I might consider commissioning a rainbow striped lattice... we'll see how the summer treats us.
More Glass Porn?
31mm Top - 60mm Bottom - 16ish Inches
Thanks HTC for the quality of these photos
How much is that piece?
Probably with the FC discount about 210.00.
sorry if this is a bit off topic but anyone know where to get a 18mm ash catcher with a detachable top (easy cleaning). i desperately need one for my Lev/M&M bubbler.
i'd really appreciate to see a video of the micro bubbler in action. is there any chance for it? thanks
sorry if this is a bit off topic but anyone know where to get a 18mm ash catcher with a detachable top (easy cleaning). i desperately need one for my Lev/M&M bubbler.
There is already a video of the micro a few pages back.
Hey guys, first time glass buyer
Is this the Leviathan FC bubbler that I heard so much about? Is it still available for sale?
The FC was a lattice, if you look closely you can see the FC label blasted on the can.
The lattice is still available, only not with the FC logo.