Loving my bubbler more and more...
was a bit 'worried' when I noticed a slight slug when hitting the piece. I played around with the water levels a bit, but could not seem to hit it without the water slugging. Still, diffusion is the best I know.
Then I tried tilting the bubbler towards me just a little bit, and the slugging disappeared, leaving nothing but an almost drag free hit with a very noticable adding of moisture and serious stacking of bubbles

Nice small sized bubbles, filling the can with ease.
So now our relationship has started of in a new direction

but i wanted to share my little experience with this, so that others who are in this 'kind of open relationship' might benefit from this knowledge of 'her'
My piece furthermore is very pleasing to the eye, missing the blobs and off angle connections I had gotten used to from using 'black-leaf' type of glass

Not to mention it feels as if it is build as a tank, like others have mentioned before. however, I am not prepared to give it a stress test

I do not think we will find somene who will, and we should consider it sacreligious to even ask for such a thing
I will test it in more gentle ways
I wonder if other fc bub owners have similar experiences with this?
The addition of colours are looking wonderful, really digging the new stuff as well...Please, I do not want GAS