been too long since last update. kinda been slackin'. am a bit "up and down" and have been in the down the last few weeks. starting to come out of it a bit. also hit that first hard hill w/ the L&M series. been able to do the rocksmith and a little L&M refresher stuff over the last few days.
so i am currently sitting in a very painful waiting limbo.
when researching signature guitars i of course ran into a painful truth. not many lefties out there.
i started w/ adam jones from tool. silvertop classic gibson les paul. no lefties made ever, much less no signature edition. that took a bit to get over.
'94-'96 era touring NIN - Robyn Finck. has a signature guitar. no lefties, dual pickguard, tho. bummed.
cobain - no here i got lucky as there were three editions made
1. the jagstang - a custom made combo of the mustang and the jaguar. only found one guy looking for rare trades. used post nevermind touring.
2. the mustang - a classic fender reissue in a few different colors. nice sound, but not a huge amount of versatility.
3. and finally the jaguar completely faithful 'road worn' remake of his custom classic. more info here....
i have been pining over this sucker since the first week i started playing. at a retail of $1300, i just couldn't justify it. then i found a guy in dallas selling one for 900. that was almost 3 months ago. yesterday it dropped down to 750. i had no hope for enough love from the wife to get a 'yes' on the subject, but i left it up on a window for her to notice as she was ambling around after getting home from work.
she said, 'no way, alright, get it.'
no emoticon good enough for my disbelief and joy.
i have responded to the two different posts for this guitar at least 3 times each. usually found a good reason for it, but definitely am showing my desire
i started at 7:30 last night. got a few hrs nap in the wee hrs. downloaded a "i can see if you read my message' app. am so excited, but also have a dread feeling some local is gonna come snatch it out from under me.
need some good FC love headed my way!