Lazy/Irresponsible seller adversiting incorrectly. Should I email?

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Well-Known Member
So there is some kid in my neck of the woods (MA) on Craigs List advertising Arizers, as a rep blah blah blah same story as everyone else. He obviously shouldn't be able to provide warranty, but says he does. Doesn't know the differeence between the Arizer V Tower and Extreme (he says the only difference is the remote control, WOW) and also says vaporizers are mainly used with cannabis, tobacco,, etc... therefore he is hinting/basically saying the item is mj paraphanelia.

I respect that he wants to start a business, but his "site" is so terrible, and contains a bunch of incorrect items he regards as facts.

So I'm wondering, should I email this fool to let him know where he's wrong and how to improve, or just let it be. I mean i imagine most potential customers won't order from him because of how his site looks, but I feel like just in case, to even save one person, it might be worthwhile. I'm also questioning whether or not he has any units.

That's the site. I bet he'll come on here eventually, but yeah, so am I being a jerk by emailing him, or is it helpful?

I worry mostly because of Arizers good name, etc...

PS I may seem like the common asshole or know itall but i am far from it. just think it's bad for Arizer/vapes, bad for customers/potentials and well bad for him too. I mean he has "web presents" written when he mean "web presence"


I think there are three issues here. One, although he calls himself a "specialist in Vaporization technology" he's clearly anything but. This could result in potential converts being turned off of vaporizing, to the detriment of their health and enjoyment, and other folks just not getting what they think they're getting. Two, he's promoting the product as MJ paraphenalia which could be bad for other folks who are following the rules by selling vapes for legal use only, and could be trouble for this specialist. Third, it could also result in some damage to the Arizer brand name. I think it is easier to justify an intervention on basis of the first two of these issues.

It would probably be easier to just contact Arizer and give them an opportunity to address the situation themselves, but this could be damaging to his fledgling business. If you feel like wading in, you'd be doing him a favor, assuming he'd take some advice, but that's more than I'd do.


Well-Known Member
To the OP:

I'd try to help him out, if he has sense he will consider some changes to his advertisment without taking it personally offensive. Just like with any communication it's all about having tact. I think it's good of you to get involved. :)


Well-Known Member
I'd contact Arizer as well, especially since the vape-world is fairly small (through technology mostly).


New Member
I would contact him, tell him what's up, and if he doesn't change his stuff, I would then post saying how he's a fake, so that users wont get ripped off. Also post a link to fc for any noobies on there. That way we can help the masses!
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