Here are some tips that you might find helpful.
1. To potentiate your experience, try taking magnesium, turmeric, and agmatine 1/2 hour before consuming kratom.
2. If your turmeric does not contain bioperine, add a little ground black pepper which massively increase the absorption of the actives in turmeric.
3. If you find your stomach is a bit queasy, you can also add a bit of ginger to your pre dose drink.
4. Juice 1 whole lemon and add your kratom powder to this. Add a little water and stir with a whisk. Allow to sit for your 30 minute prep time after drinking the mag, turmeric, agmatine combo.
5. Whisk your kratom liquid to fully blend and slam it down on an empty stomach.
6. About 60 minutes after dosing, eat something high in fat such as avocado, cheese, coconut manna. These will really kick in the effects of the kratom
Forget the toss and wash, too harsh on the throat and stomach. The citric acid in the lemon juice helps activate the mitragynine in the kratom.
If you want to avoid the dreaded tolerance build up, take kratom a couple times a week with 3-4 days in between to reset your receptors.
Avoid extracts, they will render powdered kratom virtually powerless.
I am not a doctor, and I don't play one on tv. I can also recommend a very clean, affordable, quality controlled vendor if you need some guidance. Feel free to dm me for vendor info. Use kratom with respect and it will bring you peace.