I received my KX in about a week after ordering. Here is my technique and results.
- Used 9 grams of whole unbroken buds - I did toast at 200 degrees for 20 minutes mainly because this was for a low smell EJ-mix final product.
- Froze buds and KX over night
- Did a 10 minute wash (was hesitant as I'm used to a 3 min. wash, but went ahead since others mention success. The result was a golden yellow liquid.)
- Filtered through a 10 micron SS filter and had about 1/2 cup of liquid
- Evaporated with aggressive fan at room temperature - took about 6 hours
- Final product was yellow when thin, dark amber when formed into a clump, and very hard non-sticky shatter consistency
- Yield was 1.1 Grams - 12% return
- Very potent, very tasty
I did a second wash as well after breaking up the buds and soaking for 10 minutes. Ended up with green liquid. Can't say if it was the breaking up of the buds or too long of a wash. I put it on the window sill for 2 hours and it turned light/dark amber. I put it back in the freezer to clean it further and filtered through a 10 micron SS filter. It's evaporating now. I'm hoping for a .6 gram yield for an overall 19% return... we'll see.
So overall, this worked very well. I can't speak to how it compares to Everclear because it seems pretty much the same. I feel like I extracted no more on my first run compared to Everclear. Taste seems to be the same. Consistency was better, but that could be due to not using heat for the evaporation where normally I'll use a heating pad. So many variables make it hard to compare unless I do a side by side comparison with a mirrored technique. Overall, I think this is a good product, but maybe not so superior to Everclear as I originally thought. But for those of you who can't get Everclear or can but at a high cost, this is a great alternative.
@DieHard Really interested to see you're amazing yield off your first wash, and to know that you don't have much else on your second wash. Wondering what the differences in technique could be. Obviously buds have a great deal to do with yield, but I seem to be getting a decent yield with a second wash - just checked on it and there seems to be a good amount in the dish.