

Just so Dab HAppy!
Too funny. My 3 year old son taught me how to take over the TV with the tablet...the kid can't spell but I will be damned if he can't find Peppa Pig or Batman 2 video game reviews on youtube faster than I can get my phone to pull up the last called number. I bet if I gave him a cassette player he would think it was a toy weapon and would throw it at his older brother.

I remember having one of these when I was those kids age but I guess they are not so popular anymore.


hope those kids were actors, seemed dumb as dirt.


had one of those when i was a kid, used it quite often....while i do miss the whole "moving parts" of it while listening to a song (felt more, musical?) i sure do not miss the limitations of the audio itself. had the original walkman and a couple models after that as well that sony came out with, i killed so many tapes and batteries with it, was like a life support system i never left home without it and my current favorite mix tape (partially from LP and some from radio).

many years later i gave the sony sports cd player a shot, for a hand held cd player its was amazing how you can run (or even flail your arms about) and it doesn't skip...still have it and use it occasionally.

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