Kia Vaporizer


Well-Known Member
I just wanted to tell everyone that I recently bought a KiaVaporizer and I absolutely love it. I have used a few other brands before, and I think this one is clean, sturdy, and well engineered. I would recommend it to everyone. I bought mine from amazon for $169. I dont think you can really beat this!! it came with a lifetime warranty, no questions asked.


Out to lunch
Glad you're happy with your purchase. Looks like Amazon is THE place to buy this one. Quite a bit cheaper than the kia site. How does the 'no screen whip' work?

I dont think you can really beat this!!
Well, there are some excellent vapes at this price point, so it would be a matter of personal preference. It's certainly the one to go with if you want a vape that folds up into its own hard case.

it came with a lifetime warranty
Lifetime only applies to labor, otherwise it's a year. And, as usual, glass isn't covered.

"A one year warranty is included with each vaporizer purchase (excluding glass chambers) and a lifetime labor and support warranty for the life of an individual?s vaporizer."


lurking kiwi
Thats a very nice looking vap. Interesting that it has a non adjustable temp. This may actually be a good thing. Visited a mate last night who has a box vap with a digital readout temp gauge thing and we couldn't get the temp right. Around 370 was burning the herb and at 340-350 it was a not producing enough vapor to get a nice big hit.


Vapor concierge
I think I saw that thing on ebay when I was researching in January. Doesn't it close up into a locked box that has a place for your stash? I thought it was a cool idea. In the end I passed it by because I couldn't find anyone who had tried it. Looks like you're the one, allstarnima!

Would love to hear a full review if you get around ot it.


Out to lunch
vapor_cloud said:
Thats a very nice looking vap. Interesting that it has a non adjustable temp. This may actually be a good thing. Visited a mate last night who has a box vap with a digital readout temp gauge thing and we couldn't get the temp right. Around 370 was burning the herb and at 340-350 it was a not producing enough vapor to get a nice big hit.
You're not just asking, but begging for trouble with a cheap digital vape. :disgust:


vapor junkie
Staff member
allstarnima said:
I just wanted to tell everyone that I recently bought a KiaVaporizer and I absolutely love it. I have used a few other brands before, and I think this one is clean, sturdy, and well engineered. I would recommend it to everyone. I bought mine from amazon for $169. I dont think you can really beat this!! it came with a lifetime warranty, no questions asked.
I think you're the first one here to try it. From a brief look on their site it looks pretty slick: glass on glass with a ceramic element and everything folds up into a box, transformer style.

Please let us know what you think of it. :tup:

PS what other vapes have you used?


above the clouds
stickstones said:
I think I saw that thing on ebay when I was researching in January. Doesn't it close up into a locked box that has a place for your stash? I thought it was a cool idea. In the end I passed it by because I couldn't find anyone who had tried it. Looks like you're the one, allstarnima!

Would love to hear a full review if you get around ot it.
it's curious that lots of kia vapes are sold on ebay very cheap..far less than 169 bucks...i don't understand why a new vape should cost so cheap...maybe some shy owner could explain that?


Out to lunch
far less than 169 bucks
Really? I know I've seen 'em on ebay in the past, but none now and no recently completed auctions. Was it Kia selling 'em cheap? Only reason I can think of for selling a $220 vape for less than $170 is that they're not selling well and the maker wants to get some out there in users hands to generate some 'satisfaction buzz' on the web.

As the vaporizer market gets more crowded it'll be tougher for a new model to take its place and generate enough sales to become successful. The Kia's folding aluminum case has to add quite a bit to the production cost. Makes you wonder how much profit, if any, there is when it's sold below $170.


Well-Known Member

This thing looks amazing...

I am truly impressed with the looks of this thing.

im really thinking about ordering

if anyone else has one please speak up



im excited!


Out to lunch
marcuss said:
it's curious that lots of kia vapes are sold on ebay very cheap..far less than 169 bucks...i don't understand why a new vape should cost so cheap...maybe some shy owner could explain that?
I've found the current listings on ebay for the Kia. Couldn't find them before because I was searching for 'Kia Vaporizer', and ebay's lousy search feature didn't find them. You have to search for Vaporizer "The KiaVaporizer" Ceramic Element, or just scroll down the list of 'vaporizers'. I looked at completed auctions and sure enough these vapes can be had for under $60. :o Out of 29 recently completed auctions, 19 sold for under $100, and 8 sold for less than $80. These are manufacturer auctions so I'm with marcuss, questioning why a $220 vape is being sold so cheap? I can see selling them on ebay at a discount to get the 'word of mouth advertising' going, but $65-70 including shipping? Can the guy even cover his costs at that price?

He also lists the lifetime labor warranty as just 'lifetime warranty', with no mention that parts are only covered for one year. This is deceitful advertising and doesn't inspire any trust in any other claims about the vape, as far as I'm concerned. :disgust:

Update on the warranty- I emailed Kia via ebay, since that's where I saw the unqualified lifetime warranty. I was told that the website was out of date and they now offer lifetime coverage including parts. Between the low prices available on ebay and the warranty, this vape is a great deal if it's got quality guts. I wonder if they're 'lead free'? ;)

Otto Kontrol

Well-Known Member
I just received my Kia Vape!!

So far I like it but I don't love it. But as the directions say, practice and experiment until you get it right.

I am still trying to get the right amount of MMJ to get the best results.

A couple of really cool things is that it is silent. Pretty easy to use and has a really nice storage box attached.

A negative, is I seem to get a bit of product sucked through the whip. But I think that is just a packing, grinding issue. I also need to dial in the right amount. If I use to little or too much, things just don't seem right.

But I will keep on working it untill I have a consistant process.

And if anyone has any hints, It would be appreciated.


PS. I got mine on EBAY for half of the list price. There always seems to be about 4 up for auction at any given time so it just takes the right bid at the right time to score one ata good price.
Otto Kontrol,


Glass Blower
Hi otto,
first i have some question for you,

how did you set the temp on this vap ?

what kind of heater the kia use ?

for best result with any vap try to grind your herb as more as you can and try to use dry herb ! o yeah dont forget to stir it

Hope it help

Otto Kontrol

Well-Known Member
Clear Dome,

The Kia is factory set. The website says that it is set at 355 f. It uses a ceramic heating elemnt and glass on glass (whatever that means LOL). I am not completly up on the technical specs. You may want to look at their site (sorry don't know link off the top of my head but something like I think)

I do use a grinder, but alas I have been using fresh herb. I will try some that was ground yesterday - should be a bit more drier now.

Thanks for advice

Otto Kontrol,


Well-Known Member
Hi Otto,

Top of the television set is a nice warm spot to dry out some stuff on a plate. Dry is best... The fridge top is another warm spot to dry with waste heat (free)...


lurking kiwi
Purple-Days said:
Hi Otto,

Top of the television set is a nice warm spot to dry out some stuff on a plate.
I use the hot water heater cupboard. My kids (6 and 10) might wodner what the stuff is sitting on top of the tellie :lol:

still smokin'

Well-Known Member
I've had a KIA for over a month and feel ready to report on it. I purchased mine on Ebay for under $100. I have used one other vape and then only a couple of times, so my report must be taken in that context.


Weed is sucked up the pipe. The makers threw in some metal screens, which are not mentioned in their literature. The screens help a little, not much. The bowl is narrow, rounded, deep, and sits on its side. It?s hard to get a screen to stay in place. If you knock the bowl with your finger to shake up the herb, the screen moves. I?ve experimented with dropping a pebble in the bowl. The pebble helps. The only thing that works perfectly is bandage gauze on the mouthpiece, but you feel as if you are sucking on your ?blankey.?

Unit and glass bowl quickly get hot. If you bought the Kia, as I did because of its ?stealth? capabilities, you have to lock it up hot when you are done smoking or risk letting it cool and forget to put it away so your kids find it. I leave it open and sort of hide it and always forget to close it.

I have been unable to figure out how to smoke all of the goodness out of weed without burning it. Inevitably, the weed turns black, and I inhale smoke.

The power cord is under the unit and not detachable, contrary to what pictures show. Consequently, either you have to run the cord under the hinge, which is a pain, or have it dangle in front of the unit. Not very elegant.


It gets me high more efficiently than any other device I?ve used. It takes remarkably little weed to do the job.


If I had it to do over again, I?d spend more and get something better. I think I know why Kia can sell their units for so much below list ($220): They are still making a profit. The materials look quite cheap--thin metal, medical supply store whip, cheap power cord. . .
still smokin',


Vapor concierge
Thanks for reviewing this one, still smokin. I was looking at this one when I was researching my first vaporizer purchase and decided against it because I couldn't find any feedback on it and I figured you get what you pay for and I remember it being quite inexpensive.

I guess now I'm glad I didn't. However, two things:
1 -- give it some more time and experimentation. I had problems with my Extreme the first night and am still finding out how to best use it seven months later.
2 -- Are you so inclined to try and modify it to get it the way you want it?

I hope you stick with the quest for vapor and can someday change your user name here! Don't give up! It is worth it!


I have to agree with sickstones. In other threads I stated I too bought a discount vape. I took it apart to only find questional parts. If you can...try to rebuild it. If not then save for a better vape. Most likely all your parts were made in China, which has NO problem putting lead in paints, solder and any other cost effective materials.

Please remember vapeing is only as healthy as the devise you are smoking from. Most of us know pretty much what we are smoking, so we should make sure we know what we are smoking out of. That is my biggest lesson learned in my first vape experiance. Spend the cash, and do the research to find out what you are smoking out of. The model specific threads are a perfect resource for research on a new vape. For now I guess we're in the same boat...still smokin'. Good luck man. Hope you find the happy place with your vape.


still smokin'

Well-Known Member
DD and Stickstones,

Thanks for the advice. My problem with the vape is mostly with the whip--keeping herb from being sucked up. I'll monkey with that for a while, but my only solution is a better vape.

still smokin',


vapor junkie
Staff member
Thanks for droppin' the review.

Out of curiosity, which ebay seller did you buy from? Could it be possible that the deep discounts are due to lesser quality accessories like the glass?

On the kia website they make special note of the glass and the custom wands in the pictures look pretty nice. said:
The Kia Vaporizer contains the highest quality borosilicate glass made by Pyrex. This is medical and pharmaceutical grade glass; the most durable glass available.
Hmm.. it also says:
here are no metal screens used in the KIA vaporizer
The wand looks like fairly standard ground glass fare, you could probably get a new one with a better fitting screen area. But if it's burning your herb that really sucks, no temp control right?


Out to lunch
California Vapor Co. also makes box vapes that have no screens. I've seen a few unhappy buyers due to the lack of a screen. I think these companies are nuts. Full size whips don't work worth a crap without screens. :/

still smokin'

Well-Known Member
I bought the unit from the manufacturer. You are right that the Kia literature says there are no screens, but there was a 5-pack of standard metal screens in the unit. It's clearly a kludge fix of a bad design.

No temp control. Eventually, the weed blackens and I inhale smoke. I could be doing something wrong, like leaving the weed in the pipe for too many hits.
still smokin',


lurking kiwi
No temp control. Eventually, the weed blackens and I inhale smoke. I could be doing something wrong, like leaving the weed in the pipe for too many hits.
If the vape is solid in the vapor zone it shouldn't burn. It should extract all the goodness and leave behind unwanted plant material. leaving a loaded whip on the heating element shouldn't cause a burn. If a non-temp controlled is burning your material this is not good. My only experience with a non-temp control vape is with my purple-days and it never burns. Seems the Kia has a set temp that is a little too high.

**edit** like Max said, if its a 18mm connection just get a standard box vape whip that is made to have a screen in it. There are 14mm ones available too I think.


Well-Known Member
I have yet to find a good vape that comes out of China.

DigitalDavinci is**completely right about the presences of dangerous elements.
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