I think you are right.. I am always too lazy to go downstairs to grab the blue tape when I am filling my jyarz.. lol
Painters tape should work very well. I use a Metallic pen to mark mine but I have a billion JyARz so I'm not too worried about removing the writing afterward. There are issues with making a "non-stippled" area on the outside of the JyARz because of the recycled milk jug plastic that we're using so I think tape is really the best solution.
jyarz, I am loving the product but I haven't been out of the house with them yet. I read on the FAQ's that you can write on the glass but can you erase that if you do? Also is there a way to write on the plastic instead and erase it? I don't want to pull out the jar to see what is in there. Maybe there should be a little erasable label on the outside? I am about to put a small piece of painters tape to mark it since I won't get the glue residue which would drive me nuts. I often use film canisters, not anymore, and I always forgot to mark them or couldn't be bothered but I would like to start doing a better job.
You seem like a very demanding (I mean that in a good way) customer so I'm particularly glad that you are liking your JyARz so far. There's just something about having that glass in there that makes for a more pleasurable experience than just plastic (aside from the fact that glass inert and doesn't absorb odors or chemicals and can be easily cleaned)....its an aesthetic thing that's hard to convey to the uninitiated...anyway, I'll be interested in hearing more about your experience once you've had more of a chance to live your JyARz.