Yellow .... now available on
THey are there... news Aldo! But...I'm not finding it so far... Is it just not "live" yet?
Got my yellow and it is mellow!
Thanks Aldo, how they selling?
OK - next order will include's certainly been requested and this pushes it over the top!
Below is the post where Aldo explained what happened to the larger size Jyarz.For a second I thought this was the larger model that... what ever happened to it anyway?
I was about to launch our IndieGoGo campaign toward funding the production of a new larger size JyAR. I've decided to pull the plug. There's been something holding me back for over a year and its finally become clear to me what it is. Up to a certain size, JyaRz offer a unique set of values that make the extra expense worth it. A lot of that value relates to the ability to offer a container that is designed for smell-proof portability. When portability isn't a value, I think the extra cost of buying a JyAR diminishes rapidly. There are many good options for large containers that basically sit on a shelf or table most of the time (Mason:re being just one example (see above).
So .... what next....
I see a very large unfilled need for all sorts of "JyARz" (I use the term very loosely) that support the odor-proof, storage and transport and consumption of cannabinoids. WE are deep into the design of some small, highly adaptable bags. We have in mind a whole series of other related products (more on that once we've made more progress).
For those who have waited so long for a new larger size JyAR I apologize for all the hemming and hawing! All I can say is I hope you enjoy the new products that we'll be bringing to market!
As always I appreciate all the support from all of you subscribed to this thread. I had no idea how valuable this group would prove to be when I signed in a few years ago - amazing!
I agree completely! I use 1/2 gallon masons to cure/store because I haven't found a suitable larger option... I love my small jyarz for their intended purpose and understand Aldo's point, I don't think the x-large would be cost effective, as much as I would love one.I can dig it. Though a gallon size Jyarz is something that even in theory makes me smile for likely some really stupid reason.
I agree completely! I use 1/2 gallon masons to cure/store because I haven't found a suitable larger option... I love my small jyarz for their intended purpose and understand Aldo's point, I don't think the x-large would be cost effective, as much as I would love one.
The two sizes of Jyarz currently available are great. But a satchmo that was the same diameter and twice the height, would still be extremely portable, and extremely useful. if satchmo can fit 7gs, than a double satchmo could hold 14g's and that'd be awesome. anything bigger, possibly you enter the territory you speak of where value starts to diminish.... i'm pretty sure everyone in this thread will put in an order once available!! just make sure 'black' is an optionstruggling to decide whether to move forward. Thoughts/Comments?
I think I may have found a provider of some reasonably priced glass but it's based in China. So I'm struggling to decide whether to move forward. Thoughts/Comments?
................................................................................But a satchmo that was the same diameter and twice the height, would still be extremely portable, and extremely useful.....
in my view if you have access to a dispensary you are more likely to go for smaller amounts and store in many smaller Jayrz for variety.
Thats the thing. we all have different perspectives, approaches, usage habits and degrees of access. As the mind behind a product, I think its best to cater to every niche possible to reach the biggest audience!
i have access to dispensaries, but having access doesn't stop the licensed producer from running out of particular phenomenal strains, all the time. some never come back. so i see something i like, i buy a half oz-oz, not 2 grams, cause i'd like to have that particular medicine on hand and in bulk... I label my jarz on the outside so i know whats in em....
Agreed. not neccessary. i could hold at least 2oz's in a 32oz/1L mason jar...I still can't see a large (as in mason jar sized) Jayrz being all that sellable.
double height satchmo? definitely!The double height satchimo maybe.
Agreed. not neccessary. i could hold at least 2oz's in a 32oz/1L mason jar...
double height satchmo? definitely!
Hey @JyARz, two questions:
Is an orange classic still on your radar?
You guys doing a 4/20 promo/sale?