Vapor concierge
@JyARz i have not contacted you about the smell it must be someone else, I just wanted to know what color gaskets i should have but i will contact support asap thankyou for CS and attitude is great!
And i prefer option 2 but also i like the 700ML just for fun, Although if the felt is only for looks could you not offer them without the felt? Removing it is going to leave residue and that would require No-goo but i am not sure No-goo is suitable on recycled milk tops.
I just do not like the felt for some reason meh, Felt-less 700ml pl0x.![]()
Option #2..and call frenchy for some nice artwork.
Is there date for that new size?
Just curiosity: could you give a price range for #1?
Wow! That is a beautiful set Aldo, stunningly displayed!
A generous giveaway for sure.
Now, if only I used social media . . .
F.C. is enough (& almost too much) for me!
But I wish good luck to everyone else!
Oh, and also, I feel compelled to say that from my point of view, in general I have found JyARz to be completely underrated! Definitely NOT the other way around.
But, I suppose not everyone gets it.
Personally, mine gives me peace of mind, & has literally saved my stash (as well as me), on numerous occasions. Now I just can't put a price on what that means to me.
More like misunderstood.
Enjoy your Sundaze folks!
I also can't put a price on peace-of-mind. Airtight every time
Hey @JyARz , just wanted to check before pulling the trigger on an order here.
Will a chico and stachmo purchased today also have the new gasket materials?
Or is this only available on the classic for now?
Any ETA on that new container size? (I agree #2 is big enough for my variety needs)
Also given the size #1 could get expensive (past what I feel like spending personally)
Any sales or other promotions upcoming that I should know about? I think i bought last year in the 4/20 sale for a free classic.
The Classic will have the new materials, the Chico doesn't yet. But it's a white silicone material that most people (vast majority) use and love. If you're not satisfied we'll refund your purchase.
We are working on the new size but we are incorporating some new features and we need to raise some cash so, sadly, it's going to be a while...I wish I could say otherwise.
No immediate sales in the works.
Thanks for your interest in JyARz.