Well-Known Member
So yesterday morning, I was going for a bit of walk to the grocery store. It was pretty cold out at around 40 degrees, but the sun was out with huge puffy clouds scattered about. I was standing on the corner with an obvious homeless guy waiting for the light to change. He was totally disheveled, stringy dirty hair, filthy clothes full of holes, about 2 teeth in his mouth, etc etc. We made eye contact and he said, "How ya doin' man?". I thought, ok, here comes the panhandling pitch. I responded back that I was doing well and asked him how he was doing. His response? "I'm homeless" as he looked up to the sky, and then immediately followed up that statement with, "But as long as the sun is out, it's a great day". We said our goodbyes, and I left with a little clearer picture of how good things really are.